Chapter 6

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We arrived at the mall finally. Prince was getting on my nerves he kepted on touching me. Weirdo. Here I was walking around and around not picking anything anything up. I guess I'm not in the shopping mood I was just trailing behind everyone till Desiree came towards me.

Desiree- Me and Roc are going to go somewhere

Destiny- OK have fun

Desiree- OK

Desiree had ran off with Roc somewhere and I just smiled no telling what there are up to. I looked around and something had caught my eye. I walked over towards it and.....

Destiny- Wow

It was a diamond necklace. Its the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, but the price wasnt .

Prince- Its beautiful

Destiny-*Looks at Prince then at the necklace* Yes very

Prince-You want it

Destiny- But it would take a lottery to get that who in the world has 3 million

Prince- idk*lying*

Destiny- Well I guess I should catch up with everyone.

I had walked to a food court and bought me something to drink and sat down then there were a group of boys looking at me. Wtf! Why do boys stare at me is there something they want or need. One of them came and sat in front of me.

.?.?.- Hi

Destiny-*smiling* Umm Hi

.?.?.-  Oh I'm sorry I'm David (Jaden Smith) and you are.....

Destiny- My name is Destiny *smiling*

David- Pretty smile for a pretty girl

Destiny- *Laughing and still smiling* Thank you, so what brings you over to my lonely table.

David- Well I was just looking around and something beautiful caught me eye so I had to approach it

Destiny-*Blushing* Umm thank you

David- Your welcome beautiful

Destiny- *Blushing*

David- You blush a lot

Destiny- *smiling and blushing*

David- *Smiles at Destiny*

Destiny-*Fake coughs* Umm I should get back to my friends

I was getting up about to walk away but he approached me again.

David- Could we see each other again

Destiny- Yes absolutely-

I was cut of by someone's arms snaking around my waist from behind and it was Prince.

David- Your boyfriend

Destiny- No

Prince- yes

(They said it at the same time)

David- So he is

Destiny- No he's just someone who drives me crazy

I muffed Prince in his face and he started laughing and then he walked away.

Destiny- So my number

David- oh yea I'll pick you up tonight

Destiny- First date

David- yea only if your OK with it

Destiny-yea yea sure

I handed him my phone and he handed me his. When I was done we handed each other back our phones.

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