Chapter 12

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I found Desiree in the lounge area downstairs sitting on the couch.

Destiny- You wanted me

Desiree- Yea umm I wanted talk to you about the situation.

Destiny- Ughh there's nothing to talk about

Desiree- Yea there is..... my best friend got engaged on her 19th birthday and one of her friends admitted there feelings to her and now she's in love with two guys and don't know which one she wants. Now c'Mon say hello reality.

I laughed at how much out seemed when she said it from how my POV is. I sat down on the couch next to her finally making a decision on what I'm feeling so far.

Desiree-*Clapping wildly* Yayy this is so exciting... ok so start of by telling me how you feel about each of them separately.

Destiny- Well I'll start with David....... When I'm around him it feels like it's just us to and nothing could stop us..... he was my first love no one can forget about there first. ..... but then came in Prince. Now no one expected that coming it hit me hard in ny heart and I was start strucked. Like he went from an annoying, cocky jerk to someone who admitted the truth making me fall in love and I felt lost for words like I was literally speechless.

When I looked at Desiree she wads looking at me very weirdly. Wtf?

Destiny- What?

Desiree- it seems to me that you already know who you want.....

Destiny- But what if I make a mistake Desiree.....

Desiree- Things happen for a reason and Yolo.

Destiny- But for now all this is staying away from them Id want them to know anything ok

Desiree- Ok

~~~~~~~ Next Day ~~~~~~~

I wake up and everyone is gone like I'm the only one her now ain't that rude. How Is you gonna force a person to come over your house then straight up abandon them. I shock my head as I went to the kitchen And made me a cup on orange juice. After that I went to the living room and watched tv.

After a while there was a knock at the door. I just didn't wanna open it so I looked throw the peep hole. I saw some guys dressed in black with big guys. I got really scared so I ran and hid in the closet in the hallway. They kept knocking and knocking and knocking until it became silent and the busted the door open. I saw two tall guys and.............................. David.

David- Search Ik that he's here somewhere.

My mind was wondering around this 'He' that he's trying to find then a thought putted on my head.......Prince. I backed up farther into the closet when I felt something it was a metal bat.

.?.?.- Look what I found.

The guy had threw my bag onto the ground in front of David which I guess made him pissed because he punched a while in the wall.

David- Look for her Ik she's here too.

I becone really scared now not only is he looking for Prince but he's also looking for me. I heard footsteps closer by me and I saw the shadow coming closet and closer. Whoever it was open the closet door making me setting the bay with full force knocking them out on the ground. I kept the bay with me and I ran into another hiding spot, but I ran into showing hard.

I looked up and saw Prince standing over me looking down at me confused. I hoped quickly and pulled him into another closet.

Prince- Wtf-

I cut him of my placing a finger on his lips then I placed one on mine signaling him to be quiet he nodded and I started explaining.

Destiny- David's here and he's gonna kill you....

Prince-  What why?

Destiny- Idk why don't you go and ask him. *being sarcastic*

He looked at me then peeped back out.

Prince- ok we're gonna have to get out of here.

Destiny- How? What if we hey caught?......

Prince- We won't......just run out on three

I nodded my head telling him that I'm ready and he grabbed my hand and at started counting down.

Prince- One two...... three

We ran with no one on sight but when we hit the corner there was David.

David- Hey babe nice to see you again....


Short sorry I'm tired af and its like what 1:00 in the morning story but I have to sleep more tomorrow.

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