Chapter 9

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I went home around 3:00 something and I crashed. I wish I never did go because now I have to wake up and go to school.......-_-. I jumped in the shower doing my normal hegine routine and washing my hair. When I got out I dried myself of and putted in a purple fitted dress that came to my mid thigh, yellow vest, yellow sandals. I flat ironed my hair and added some lip gloss then I walked out the door.

-At School-

I was at my locker when came up to me all happy and shit.

Destiny- What?

Roc- Me and Desiree did it....

Destiny- You late

Roc- What are you talking about?

Destiny-*Patting his chest* Oh nothing.

I walked away leaving him curious to my 1st period. I was the first Peron there and wasn't I surprised then in came Brittany and Prince.

Brittany-  Hey Destiny

Destiny- Wassup girl.

Brittany- Nun much just thinking about tonight....

Destiny- What's happening tonight?

Brittany- The game tonight we have to be there I thought we went over this.

Destiny- Dammit I forgot......Shit

Brittany- It's ok..... and guess who's gonna come...

Prince- ME and the guys

Destiny- Oh great..... I mean lucky us.*Trying to smile*

Brittany- irk

The whole time Prince was just starring at me...... don't he know starring is rude. Brittany just gave me looks at times when she catch me and Prince together but every time she sees us we are either arguing or he's flirting. I don't how to put this in this boys head that I'm not interested in him but then again he keeps coming and coming and coming.

A few minutes later class has started and I feel violated. Prince keeps poking me in my side like a little child and imma about to bite his damn finger off.

Destiny- Stop

Prince- Your sexy and hot. ....(poke)

Destiny- Stop

Prince- You So hot you could melt glass with that big ass(poke)

Destiny- Lil boy stop

Prince- What you gonna do?(poke)

I miffed the back of his head into the desk making his head bounce off of the desk. My teacher turned towards us glaring as I try to hold in all my laughter.

Ms.S- Is there a problem back there.

Destiny- Yes actually umm he is interfering with my well-being.*Pointing at Prince*

Prince- She just done slammed my head into the desk.*holding nose*

Destiny-  Only because he was poking me constantly talking about me in the wrong way. Ayee That's considered harassment.

Ms.S- Both of you detention after school.

Destiny-  No I have a Game!!!!

Ms.S- You'll make it there in time.

I just sat back and poured the whole damn time. Prince he messes up everything he looks at or attempts to prosuit it's annoying like him, he still thinks everything is a Game. When I looked up Brittany was starring at us...... one that's a first. (sarcasm)

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