Chapter 10

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Destiny's POV

@@@@10 weeks later@@@@

It's been 10 weeks since that talk between me and Prince and we haven't talked since. Things between me and David have become really stronger and now we can't stand being away from each other. Well tomorrow Is my birthday to I decided to throw a party and invite everyone including Brittany I don't have anything against her.

Right now I'm with David at my house and my parents and once again not here.

David- So for you party who's all coming.

Destiny- Everyone

David- Who is everyone?

Destiny- Half of my grade, neighbors, MB all that and more.

David- All of MB

Destiny- Yes all of them

David- So that means. ..

Destiny- Yes Prince is coming.

David- Ughh

Destiny- C'mon he's my friend too.

David- Ik but do you see the way he looks at you.

Destiny- No....... how does he look at me. ...

David- Like your a bite to eat.. and your my pound cake.

He was leaning in for a kiss but my door bel had rung, and I jumped up and ran to the door to open it. Leaving David there.

Destiny- Umm yes can I help you.

.?.?.-Umm delivery for Destiny Jackson.

Destiny- That's me

.?.?.- Here you go.*Hannding her a vace of flowers*

Destiny- Who are these from?

.?.?.- He say it's a birthday gift and I couldn't say anything.....

Destiny- Oh ok thank you

.?.?.-YOUR welcome and Happy birthday. ..

Destiny- *Laughing* Thank you

I closed the door and sat the vace of roses on the island in my kitchen then I went back to the living room with David.

David- Who was that?

Destiny- The delivery guy

David- What he give you?

Destiny- A vace of roses....

David- From

Destiny- Idk he didn't say..

David- What if there's a bomb in it?

Destiny- Your so stupid...

/////////Next Day\\\\\\\\\

I'm in my room getting ready for my birthday party yay I'm 19 years old.

A/n: I changed her age to 18 and now she's 19 sorry.

I was wearing high waisted black shorts, long sleeve baby blue shirt that was tucked in and black open toed heels. With my hair curled in tiny spirals and my body well lotioned. Downstairs is where Desiree, Roc, Ray, Prod And David is helping set up my party, but sadly not Prince.

I joined everyone downstairs to help finish up everything. We had to keep a close eye on prod who kept trying to sneak some food...... but it was all fun. When we were done I ran back up to my room and putted on the necklace Prince bought me and then I left back downstairs.


Everyone was here and we were having a blast Ray Ray is the dj that's probably why and Desiree got my parents to show up. That right there was probably the most greatest birthday gift every. I was so happy everyone was getting along very well and my parents thought David was a great gentlemen.

Meanwhile, Prince still isn't here yet. I shrugged it off cause it's obvious that he isn't coming. A few minutes later someone covers my eyes.

Prince- Happy Birthday

I sighed heavily and looked at him then I punched him in his stomach.

Prince- Ouch violence

Destiny- You scared me

Prince- I'm sorry

Destiny- Yea I bet you are. But what took you so long.

Prince- So you were waiting for me...

Destiny- Pssh no........ Anyone could see That there's only 3/4 of MB here.

Prince- Mhm

I walked away to get some punch to find prod snacking on a bag of chips.

Destiny- How could you eat like that and look like that.

Prod- I stay in the gym.

Destiny- But nigga you eat like 13 fucking dinosaurs. ......

Prod- *Laughing* So are you calling me fat.

Destiny- Hey you said it.

David- *Center attention* Everyone can I please have you attention.

Everyone looked at him as everything became quiet.

David- For the past few months, weeks, day's, hours and minutes I've come into a a big decision. When I look into Destiny eyes it's like I'm in la la land. *Laughing a little* She's what made me get up in the morning to start a fresh new day everyday..... I hate it when we're away from each other because she is the only thing I think about and when we're together. ....... what magic we make.

Right now I was half way crying as he walked towards me and got on one knee I was caught up in my throat as he took a pretty purple box out of his pocket.

David- Destiny Isreal Jackon I love you so much...... would you do the complete honor of marrying me.

Destiny-*Starting to cry and nodes* Yes


It felt like I was shot a million times at the sence that's happening. Then it felt like I died when she said yes. I couldn't look anymore as he spun her around in a circle and they kissed. People were cheering and whistling as I just stood there looking emotional Prod caught a glance at me and I just walked off on the porch it's to late. I'm to late.


Poor prince comment what you think so far so I don't fell like I'm just typing up bull.

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