Chapter 7

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Right know me and David are in front of the door say goodbye. Omg he is so perfect.

David- Well this is where I stop for the night or I can just come in ..... *smiling *

Destiny- *Laughing* I bet you would want that, but no sorry

David- Well it was worth a try

Destiny- Well I guess I'll see you around

David- OK *Kiss forehead* Sleep tight beautiful

I was about to walk in when he had spinned me around and pinned me on the door giving me a passionate kiss. It felt so good that I kissed back and we started making out. By now he was in control, his lips are smooth and fine just that simple kiss made me want more, but eventually he pulled away.

Destiny- Why'd you stop

David- Oh so you wanted me to keep going

Destiny- Obviously

David- Well this is the perfect way of ending the night

Destiny- * Laughing * Not really

He started walking away but I pulled his arm and gave him a kiss on the lips the I went in. I leaned on the door once it closed and I was smiling real hard.

Prince- Had fun

Destiny- *Jumped at his voice* Omfg You scared the shit out of me

Prince- Sorry

Destiny- And yes I did

Prince- *Smiling* Good

Destiny- Well I'm off to bed

Prince- Sweet dreams

When I walked upstairs to my room I heard moaning and groaning. When I peeked through I saw something no one should see ever. Desiree is bouncing on ROCS DICK gross. I just went back downstairs to see Prince watching watching t.v.

Prince- What's wrong

Destiny- Umm Desiree and Roc are busy in our room

Prince- Oh

Destiny- So imma sleep on the coach

Prince- No no no sleep in my room imma take the couch

Destiny- No Prince sleep in your room

Prince- Are you gonna be there

Destiny- No

Prince- Then no

Destiny- C'mon I'm tired I wanna sleep please let's feet this over with

Prince- Then sleep in my room

Destiny- Then where are you gonna sleep

Prince- On the couch

Destiny- Prince

Prince- Destiny

Destiny- Ughh gn *Jumping on couch*

Prince- Here wear this

He handed me one of his t-shirts and I gladly took cause I know damn well I ain't wearing a tight dress to sleep. I ran into the bathroom and quickly changed then I jumped on the couch and fell asleep

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