Chapter 3

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I went to go and sit in the living room where everyone followed.

Destiny- so why are we here?

Desiree- ummm rude much

Destiny- well who's being rude??? *trying to sound innocent*Surely not me so anyways please answer my question please *trying to smile*

Prod- Well we wanna get to know y'all better is that a problem

Desiree-no not at all

Destiny- Really is that all

Ray-pretty much........................I think

Desiree- Ok well my ma name is Desiree Richardson in 16 from Houston Texas that's what's up and I'm black, white and Mexican baby


Desiree-*blushing* thanks

Prince- What about you?????

Destiny- imma virgin


Prod - good way to explain yourself

Destiny- no you guys thought I was joking I'm being 100% real with y'all like on tha cool

Prince-oh well that's some good information to know. *licking lips*

Destiny-*fake throwing up* GROSS!!!! Hard pass

Prince-girl you know you want this

Destiny-honestly I can do better

Prince-honestly babe this is better

Destiny- I'm not your babe ok get that in your fucking he-

Desiree-guys chill y'all sound like an old married couple

Destiny- I'm telling you now Desiree this baby staying single for life, and if I were old I wouldn't have this body lol jp (just playing)

Destiny& Desiree-*laughing*

Ray-Ok let's play a game

Destiny- no

Desiree- why *whining*

Destiny- ah shut up you big baby and cause that's when people mostly get hurt

Roc-your boring

Destiny-*give Roc the 'wtf ' look* ummm last time I checked ummm you guys were the ones all up on my dic asking me to come over so ummm................................. good night

Prince-stop being a hoe

When Prince said that I started spinning in a circle and looking behind me cause idk who the fuck he was taking to cause it sure ain't Destiny Israel Jackson baby.

Destiny- I'm sorry but I can't see the person you talking to


Destiny- *yelling at the house* You where you at?


Destiny- Sorry you at hear honey boo boo you must be taking to yo self child

Prince- No I'm taking to Destiny Israel Jackson

Destiny- Come again *sticking ear out*

Prince- Destiny Israel Jackson

Destiny-Ok now stand up and say that to my face

Prince-Ok *stand up* STOP BEING A HO-

Before he could get the rest our his sentence out my whole fist went straight into his mouth making him eat my knuckles. He fell down on the ground hard then tried to jump back up and hit me yea this nigga a real man [being sarcastic]. But the boys had grabbed him.

Destiny- Wtf are you gonna do bitch huh hit me. Go ahead then that really gives me a reason to whoop yo ass big time baby. Bye you guys see you at school I gtg ttyl holla at a nigga on the other side. *throwing up peace sign*

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