oli white

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Hey I know the photo isn't just of oli but all the boys are in this one so I thought I'd use this picture plus it's my favourite photo atm xxxxxxx hope you like again please comment ideas or you tubers you want or even other books 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊💓💔💕💖💗💙💚💛💜💝💞💟❣

Oli had stayed at your apartment that you share with your best friend last night which isn't unusual as he know spends most of his time at yours or the other way round. However, you woke up to oli not next to you which is strange because you check the clock and it's only 11 which may seem late but you both had a busy week so you wanted a lie in. You decided you had to get up to see where he's gone. You walk out of your bedroom in one of oli shirts and a pair of shorts and walk to the living room to find y/f/n and oli both changed out of pj's talking. "Morning sleepy" oli says and then gets up to come and hug you and give you a quick sweet kiss on the lips. "Morning. Why are you two up so early?" You question them. "Well  the boys text and asked if we all wanna go out later but we're gonna go jacks first to meet them" oli tells you. "Really I thought we were meant to be having a lazy day" you sigh and complain. "Come on y/n please it will be fun" y/f/n pipes up from out of no where. "Come on you only wanna go so you can see conor" you laugh teasing her." Awwww has y/f/n got a crush" oli jokes ruffling her hair. "I'm gonna kill you" she gestures to you. "Hey don't hurt her I kinda guessed anyways" oli tells her. "Shit am I that obvious" she questions embarrassed. "Nah don't worry I think a couple of us have our suspicions but cons clueless don't worry. Now come on y/n you're going to get changed were leaving soon" oli says pushing to your bedroom and closing the door behind you and you assume he's gone back to tease y/f/n about her crush. You decide since you've been forced to leave the house to water your ripped black dungarees with your lion king crop top under neath with your converse on as well. You then put your hair in a pony because why bother doing it nice. You walk out your bedroom finally deciding to leave and you can tell by the look on your friends face oli has been teasing her. "Right let's go then" you say grabbing your keys

One car ride later

You meet the boys their apartment and then meet mikey and casper and joe at the local cinema as you all decided to go and watch the new purge. When you have brought your tickets and are queuing to get food you see oli quietly talking to conor away from everyone else 'I'm gonna kill him if he's doing what I think he is' you think to yourself. Suddenly you see a smirk appear on conors face and they both rejoin the rest of you. You finally get into your screen and you end up sat in between oli and your friend with Conor next to her and you can sense her nerves. "Hey you need to calm okay" you whisper to her as the trailers start.
As the movie plays you end up snuggled into oli because you got  old regretting the crop top choice and no jacket. Everyone is really enjoying the film but you can see y/f/n getting a little freaked out when the gory parts of the filmed happen. She ends up hiding behind her own hands when suddenly you see conor put his arm round her and pull her closer so she can hide her face in his chest and you smile at the sight maybe oli did some good after all. You quickly peck his cheek happy that he helped out your best mate and return to the movie. At first he is confused as to why but then he looks over and realises.

After the movie

You all end up going out for food and you end up in the same seating arrangement. You can see that the two of them are sat rather close and flirting throughout the dinner.

After dinner you're all walking to your cars and you say your good byes to the boys and start to head off with oli but y/f/n is not behind you. You turn around and see her and conor kissing, finally they cut it out and you hear him say text me when you get home. As she comes running over to you you smile happy for her. "Thank you oli I don't know how you did that but thank you" she says excitedly hugging him.

Later that night

You're lying in bed with oli cuddling in silence before you break it by saying "thank you for that oli" "what for" he questions slightly confused. "Making that happen for her I've not seen her smile like that in forever." "It's fine honestly I knew conor felt the same plus she's your best friend and I know how important she is to you so she is to me as well" he says kissing your head. You really do have the sweetest boyfriend in the world.

Hey guys this one was a little different but I hope you like it love ya xxxxxxx

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