dan howell

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Sorry for it being another Dan one its just he is my favourite and the only one that I can think of a story for rn. Hope its alright and hopefully better than the others. But yeah anyways I hope you enjoy it.

'Your running that's all you can do. You have Dan by your side running with you. The next thing you know you trip and your on the floor Dan doesn't realise for a second then turns around noticing that your not beside him anymore. "Y/n get up, we need to run he's gaining on us" Dan says frantically grabbing your arm trying to pull you up again.
Once your back on your feet and about to continue running , there's a loud bang all of a sudden and Dan falls to the ground. "Dan no Dan speak to me please " you say tears falling from your eyes as you brush his hair out of his face and you see his eyes start to flicker shut. "No Dan stay awake please don't close your eyes Dan no Dan please I can't lose you. I love you baby please don't leave me. You were the best thing that happened to me.  "  you say getting your phone out to call 999.
"I love you to baby always remember that okay I love you more than anything. I love you" he say his eyes shutting. " Dan baby nooo" now tears are steaming down your face as you hold Dan in your arms. '

" y/n, y/n baby please wake up" you hear Dan's voice and you sit up. You look towards Dan who is sitting in bed next to you with a worried expression on his face. You say nothing you just hug him as tightly as you can and burst into tears. It was just a dream.  "Y/n honey what was wrong did you have a nightmare" he says squeezing you tightly " it felt so real Dan I thought it actually happened I was so scared I thought I'd lost you" you say quietly pulling away from Dan and wiping the tears from your eyes with the sleeve of Dan's shirt that you had slept in. "Honey you won't ever lose me okay your stuck with me forever no matter what I'm never going anywhere okay. I love you" Dan says looking in to your eyes and then kissing you sweetly. "I love you so much" you whisper as Dan presses his forehead against yours. "Come on let's go get some hot chocolate hey make you feel better" Dan says as he stands up and pulls you up with him.

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