17 part 1

17 1 0

Today Jamie and I are getting put hair done as we gossip about tonight.

"I can't wait to see you and Blake together. You guys would make really great pictures."

I roll my eyes at her.

"Just the pictures?" I ask.

"Okay, I wouldn't happen to know if you and Blake kissing is cute because I don't creepily watch you. I'm sure it would be but since I don't watch you guys kiss then I don't know." I knew that meant that she watches us when we aren't looking. Which is pretty weird but since she is my friend and she just wants to see me happy then I let it slide.

"You know I love you right?" I tell her. The woman doing my hair taps my shoulder.

"Would you like to see?" I stand up nervously and look into the mirror in front of me. She cut a few inches off making my mid back length look nice and clean.

The woman braided the front part of my hair so it looks like a crown and in between the pieces of hair she put little daisies. She curled the rest of my brown hair into beach waves down my back. She pinned up a part of the curled hair up.

I studied my hair for a few minutes and turn to show Jamie. Jamie has short black hair that goes to her shoulders. Jamie just had the woman straighten her hair since it was naturally curly.

I had never seen her hair straightened and it looks absolutely beautiful. I walk over to Jamie.and touch her silky smooth pitch black hair.

"Your hair is so beautiful, why don't you flatten it more often?" She shakes her head.

"Too much work. You know how lazy I am." I laugh thinking about that. Jamie is pretty lazy.

"I love it. It's so pretty." She smiles and nods her head.

"I do have great hair don't I?" I smile, thank the woman and then drag Jamie out of the hair salon.

I told Blake not to come over until I was fully ready . I still had about an hour until the dance started and I wanted to take my time. I wanted to look my best for my date and for me. I was celebrating that I finally got my cast removed! I silently squeal to myself. My mom is frantically looking around the house for her camera. I told her not worry, that we still have a few hours until it is needed. But she said something about "documenting the process" moms are weird. I was taking my time with my make up. I make a bold cat eye which turned out great on both sides which is surprising to me. Normally one side looks worse than the other. I applied some light green eyeshadow on and put on mascara. I put on some brown eye shadow to make the green pop more and touched up on my blush.i smile at myself through my mirror on my desk in my room. I glance up at my pin board and notice that one of the pictures is missing. The one of me and Blake at the zoo. Where would it be other than there?

Oh. I realize that while me and Blake weren't speaking, I threw the photo out the window. I immediately stand up and run to my window. Luckily it was still light outside and I could see down to the ground. I could see a crumpled looking lump on the grass next to some weeds. I run out of my room and down the stairs to the front yard. My mom protests worried that I'll ruin my makeup but I don't care. I could've ruined something much more important than that. This picture is one of the greatest memories of my life and I intend to keep it forever. I pick up the picture and it's a little damp from the dew on the grass. I uncrumple it and gaze at it. There are creases and folds all over the picture. I run back inside and find my mom looking in her closet.

"Do you still have pictures of when we went to the zoo?" She stops and sits on her heels.

"Of course I do." I grin thanking her.

"Could you possibly print out another one of this one? It's important." My mom her gives me a confused look.

"That's what your worried about right now?"

"Yes mom. Can you do it, now preferably?" She sighs accepting that she'll never find her camera in the mess she calls a closet and stands to take the picture from my hands.

"Keep getting ready. I'll bring it in when I print it out." I grin and I go back my room. I skip like a little girl until I get to my room. There was now an hour until the dance started and I wasn't near ready until Jamie comes over so we can squeal and giggle together like girls. I pick up my phone from off my mattress and dial her number.

"Anna. I was just about to head over. Are you excited?" I grin.

"Of course I am. I can't wait!" She laughs and I can hear her start her car up.

"I'm heading out now. I'll see you when I get there." I nod.

"Okay, and hurry!" She giggles. We end the call and sit giddily waiting for her to show up at my house. The five minutes it probably takes Jamie to get here feels like forever. When she pulls in I sprint downstairs to yank open the door.

"Get in here already!" I shout. She laughs and starts walking towards my door. When she comes in with her dress, heels, and accessories she grins at me.

"We're going to look so hot." I grin back at her and pull her upstairs so we can finish getting ready.

About ten minutes after nine when the dance started me and Jamie are taking hundreds of selfies my mom yells,

"Anna! There's a hunk down here waiting on you." I look at Jamie and we both squeal. I grab my clutch and my keys and wallet and head downstairs in my silver pumps. Every step down those stairs got me even more excited to see Blake in his outfit. Reaching the bottom of the stairs I get a first glimpse and all I see is perfection. His hair is slicked back yet it looks like he ran his hands through it. His suit matches my dress perfectly with a flowered button up underneath. His black Michael Kors dress shoes even out the light and dark in his suit and he looks perfect.

Blake's P.O.V.

Perfect. Absolutely stunning. She looks so gorgeous I can stop staring at her. Her dress is a two piece showing off that flat toned stomach and her leg is showing just enough that it is modest and sexy at the same time. Her beautiful hair is braided at the top with curls going down her back. Her hazel eyes stare into mine and I can't help but grin at her. I rush over to her and I stop suddenly. I want to see the perfection up close. I can hear her breathing pick up as I touch her hand. When I lean down to her ear I whisper taking in her raspberry scent.

"You look absolutely stunning, love." I look back into her eyes and I can see the blush creeping up her neck.

"You look pretty amazing yourself." She whispers so only I can hear.

"Okay. Time for pictures. If I don't stop you two you'll be here all night staring at each other." Michelle says. For about ten minutes Anna and I take pictures and Anna Jamie take pictures. I place the corsage I brought Anna on her wrist and we head to the dance.


To be continued...

Hope you liked this chapter guys🙂 I can't wait for homecoming I'm so excited!part two I will post Wednesday or Thursday. Can wait to see what happens.

Love ya!


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