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*refers to the last chapter where Anna promises to go out with Blake tomorrow.

Anna's P.O.V.

Tomorrow* came and Blake and I didn't go out. I just was focused on my work and I didn't have the time. At my locker as I'm getting my things a very grumpy Blake comes up to me.

"Where were you this morning?" He asks.

"I left early."

"And you didn't care to share this information with me?" He huffs. I turn to him. His face is red and his hands are clenched into fists. I put my things down in my bag and wrap my arms around his waist.

"I'm sorry baby. I'll let you take me tomorrow." He rolls his eyes.

"You also said that we were going out yesterday but that didn't happen did it?" He seems to be jealous of how I spend my time. It's cute.

"Come on Blake. I know I should've told you but I had a ton of homework yesterday and you would've been a distraction." He looks hurt.

"I'm a distraction to you?" I shake my head.

"You know what I mean. If we would've been together I never would have gotten anything done." The hurt look stays. He nods. He takes my arms from his waist and starts to walk away.

"I'll see you later Anna." I frown.

"Blake..." He just keeps walking but he says over his shoulder.

"I'll see you at home." He's not going to take me home? Why is he acting like this? It was only one date I skipped out on. I admit, it was kind of a jerk move. He knows what I meant, but he looked so hurt.

Blake's P.O.V.

I don't know why I'm so upset with her. After everything I've done the least I can do is cut her some slack, but I was looking forward to going out with her. What if she gets too busy for me? What happens to us? I don't want to seem like a jerk for wanting her to spend more time with me than studying. I just miss her. Even though she lives with me now I still hardly ever get time with her. I go to my first class and all I can think about is how I'm going to get her away. Just me and her.

Anna's P.O.V.

The day goes by slowly like it wants me to wish I were old. Blake has not been speaking to me and I've had to ask Jamie for a ride home. In her car she asks a million questions about us.

"So you guys sleep together?" I nod my head.

"But you don't sleep together." I shake my head. She grins at me. She thinks that I'm going to cave. It's not that abnormal. Blake respects my decision and I'm glad. It's nice just to cuddle.

"Jamie, it's green." She starts moving the car again but she continues to grin.

"So his moms not like, freaking out about this?" I shake my head.

"I think she just feels bad that my mom, her best friend, hurt me so bad." She shakes her head.

"No sane parent is happy that their child is sleeping with their girlfriend in his undies. While they're in the same house." I laugh at her. I have no response. It is kinda weird that she hasn't said anything.

"I guess she doesn't want to make me upset. Jamie, let's just talk about something else. Anyway, I think Blake is mad at me." She asks why and I fill her in on our sort of argument this morning at my locker. She nods and listens as I tell her how upset Blake looked.

"He's so into you! He's jealous!" I smirk, but that instantly goes away.

"Yeah, but he knows how important it is to me to success in school." She nods. "Thanks for the ride." I say as we pull up to Blake's house. His car is not there so I'll have to ring the doorbell. At the door his mom opens the door and smiles at me. She ushers me in and before I can start anything, I plop down on the bed and accidentally slip into unconsciousness.

Blake's P.O.V.

As I walk through the front door, I can smell the start of a gourmet dinner cooking. I give my mom a kiss before heading up to my room. Walking through the door I see Anna on my bed knocked out. A strand of her hair floats as she breaths. She looks so beautiful I just want to kiss her. I sit on the bed next to her and look up at the ceiling. I take a breath and close my eyes.

"Blake?" Anna whispers. I turn to look at her but her eyes are closed. Her mouth barely moves as she says it. She's sleep talking.

"I'm so sorry...all my fault." She whispers. I almost shake her awake but something stops me.

"I hate her Blake, I hate her." I furrow my brows and look at her.

"I hate mom."


Hey guys! Hope you guys liked this chapter. More of Michelle's P.O.V. Will be in the next chapter so if you missed her, she'll be back🙂

Anyway...next update will be on Wednesday so look out for it.

Love ya!


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