Chapter 5 | Myles

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I knew when I collided with a familiarly solid figure that I was done for.

Strong hands gripped me by the shoulders, before forcefully shoving me backwards. My back hit the lockers behind me with a bang that resonated through the school hallway. I braced myself as I looked up into the cold eyes of Roman, who had started shouting at me.

"I'm sorry. Please don't- ah," I was slammed against the lockers again and a gasp escaped me due to Roman's sudden outburst.

"I'm really sorry." I tried again.

With his hands still pressing on my collarbones to hold me in place, I noticed a slight bit of ink peeking out from underneath the sleeves of his jacket. It's not like I had deliberately tried to run into the guy again. Especially not since the brief encounter I had with him on my first day. How someone had so much anger over something so minor, was baffling. He must have a lot of issues.

Roman continued to yell, "You fuckwit! Is there something wrong with-"

But he didn't finish because a sharp 'hey' pierced through the air.

The only thing holding me up, was Roman's hands on me. My knees were wobbly and I was shaking so much, I felt too weak to stand. So when his contact disappeared, I fell to the ground with a pathetic whimper.

"Back off, Roman." It was Cole's voice.

Cole's unexpected appearance was a surprise, and I had yet to find out if it would be a positive one. I trembled, not knowing the outcome of the two most intimidating boys in the school being within such close proximity to me.

"Don't you fucking start with me," Roman bellowed like an animal.

Cole firmly told him, "Piss the hell off and leave him alone, now."

He didn't reply, just lunged at Cole instead. Cole pushed him off and tried to swing at him but missed.

"I'm sick of you butting into my shit," Roman said.

"Seriously? As if I would just stand by and ignore the fact that you're trying to hurt someone a lot weaker than you. I bet he didn't even do anything to you either! You're such a fucking bully." Cole replied.

Weaker? Thanks. I guess he wasn't wrong though.

"You think you're so much better than me, huh? News flash, you're not."

"Oh, I know I'm so much better than you." Came Cole's retort, and honestly, Roman walked into that one.

"That's bullshit. You're just as bad as I am. I know you know it."

I just sat on the ground staring at them fearfully, my mouth agape. Watching people physically fight wasn't something I was particularly fond of, yet my eyes couldn't leave the scene unraveling before me.

We initially had been the only ones in the hallway. Now, a small crowd started to gather, curious as to find out the reason for the disturbance that they could probably hear from the cafeteria. It wasn't long until an individual of authority approached the scene.

"What is going on here?" It was our vice principal.

Both boys instantly froze.

"Nothing," Cole answered. "Nothing, at all. Don't worry."

I was slightly shocked that Cole didn't admit that there was a problem. It appeared like he was just going to let the situation go. Why wouldn't he want to mention that Roman was causing trouble?

"Just teaching this kid a lesson," Roman said smugly. It's like he wanted to receive a punishment.

"You. Come with me." The vice principal pointed at him.

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