Chapter 10 | Cole

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Maybe this was my sixth, maybe my tenth. Hell, it could even be my fiftieth. But hey, I was feeling great.

All my friends and I were at Violet's party. She had made this party way more extravagant than the rest of them. I was sitting beside Ant; we had really hit it off.  I hadn't been too keen on him when he first started hanging out with the group, even though we'd been playing on the same team together for years. I suppose I'm cautious about letting new people into our friendship group, as I like it the way it is. The rest of my friends were somewhere. I could just manage to make out Dylan's figure behind the large crowd of people.

"Man, she's so hot." Said Ant, pointing at one of Violet's minions, Callie or Electra.

"Just go over to her," I told him.

"I'm not so sure."

"Do you want her or not? She's a good fuck, I would know." I said.

"Riiiight," He dragged out the word. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything about me sleeping with her. He had a pissed off look on his face.

"Come on, man. Go speak to her."

"Okay, I'll go over." He said with a somewhat nervous tone and sheepish grin.

"Tell me how it goes, yeah?" I said, which he nodded back.

I gave him a 'thumbs up' and an encouraging smile as he sauntered off into the crowd to go get her.

I needed to find a girl now.

That mission was a success. About twenty minutes later, I had a pretty auburn haired girl with long legs wrapped around my waist. Hopefully she would give me just what I needed: a good distraction.

We were both currently in a bedroom that I knew wasn't Violet's. Who's bedroom it was, is a mystery to me. Maybe an older sibling?

"What's your name?" I asked her.

"Gianna," She breathes.

I've vaguely heard of her before, she wasn't that well-known. Gianna seemed reserved- probably not a social butterfly. She was absolutely gorgeous, I'll give her that. "Ah, I've heard of you."

"Oh, really? Someone as popular as you has heard of me? And now you are making out with me, would that ruin your reputation?" A series of inquiries leave her mouth, that is covered in plum coloured lipstick. It was bold choice of lip color that was somehow flattering on her, I just hoped that shit doesn't get on me.

"It doesn't matter. Surely you heard that this is what I do?" I say, "So don't go expecting any relationships out of this."

She let out a melodic laugh. "Don't get ahead of yourself, assuming that I'd even want a relationship. All I want, right now, is to get laid. If you're up for it?"

"I'm definitely up for it." I smirked, then started trailing kisses down the side of her neck.

Then we were naked. Needless to say, I'm sure it was obvious what happened next.


What was worse than waking up to find that you're hungover? Waking up to find that you've got a hangover and you're not even in your own home.

I got drunk, but clearly not that drunk since I'm able to recall last night's events. The party was good, the sex wasn't. It was absolute shit. I needed to remember Gianna, and remind myself she was no good. Or maybe it was bad because I wasn't feeling it last night at all. The more articles of clothing that came off between Gianna and me, the less interested I became. I thought alcohol and sex was something I wanted last night, but it was all underwhelming.

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