Chapter 7 | Myles

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"You ready, yet?" My brother asked.

Mycah and I had to leave earlier for school this morning because apparently, we had to pick up Cole on the way to school. Mycah said that Cole couldn't borrow one of his parent's cars as they needed them. Therefore, Cole had only texted my brother last minute for a lift.

"Come on, Myles. We needed to leave like five minutes ago." He rushed me.

I was currently trying my hardest to get ready at fast as I could. It wasn't really working out for me, though. Time management definitely isn't one of my strengths. No matter how hard I tried, time just always escaped me.

I sat in the backseat on the way to Cole's. Mycah said that he would want to sit in the front passenger seat. My feelings on the matter were disregarded. I suppose, my brother's friends had top priority when it came to who could claim 'shotgun', as I had to sit in the back yesterday afternoon as well.

Upon arriving at Cole's house, I noticed just how nice it was. His house was around about the same size as mine. It had a white picket fence and there were a lot of flowers in the front yard in various colors. Definitely not the  kind of house I'd imagine Cole living in.

"Cole lives here?" I voiced my thoughts aloud.

"Yeah, cute house, right? Cole told me that his mother loves gardening and likes to pretend she lives in a little cottage." My brother said with a chuckle.

I smiled at that. His mom seemed nice.

Another few minutes passed and Cole came out of the house and sat in the passenger seat without any form of greeting. Even from a distance, I could tell he was not happy today. It seemed like he had a fun afternoon with his friends yesterday, so I wondered what could've happened last night to make him appear so grumpy.

"Woah, dude, you look wrecked. Rough night?" Mycah said.

"Hmm. Something like that," Cole muttered.

Yep, he was definitely not in the mood for talking. He had made it apparent enough that even Mycah caught on and decided to let him be for the rest of the trip. I was slightly disappointed that he didn't acknowledge me. I just sat in the backseat like my presence was non-existent.

Cole didn't say anything to me yesterday on the way home from school when we sat next to each other either. I think that maybe I knew why. The sudden feeling of guilt gnawed at me. Maybe Cole didn't greet me because I ran off after he helped me with Roman. Maybe he thought I was ungrateful and he regretted helping me. Maybe he was mad that I never said 'thank you'. Instead, I had panicked, as I was scared and felt humiliated that I couldn't handle things myself.

When we got to school Cole was the first to exit the car. He carelessly shut the door too hard and Mycah wasn't pleased.

"Hey! Watch it, Cole." My brother shouted at him.

But Cole was already gone.

"What's up with him?" I asked.

"I wish I knew but I have no idea. He's gotta be one of the moodiest guys I know. For the few years that I've known him, Cole has never once mentioned why he can be completely fine one minute, and then grumpy as hell the next." He responded.

It seemed like that behavior would be frustrating to put up with.


My first week at my new school and I'd already forgotten about my homework. If I was completely being honest, I'm not the most organized person. I figured that this wouldn't be the first time I'd forget to do my homework throughout the rest of my schooling. But because this was my first time forgetting, I was freaking out. Big time.

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