Chapter 20 | Cole

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I thought having the sophomores on the team would drag us down. But the way we smashed our opponent, I'm thinking that they will be good.

I looked over at Myles' friends, Arsen and Jackson. They were happy that they won their first game. I watched as the rest of his friends, the little blonde girl and Jackson's girlfriend came running up to them both.

Myles wasn't with them though. I saw him sitting with them on the stadium.

"Hey, good job out there," Dylan interrupted my thoughts.

"You too." I said.

Soon my whole group of friends came over and we all started chatting. Mycah wanted us to go get some food to celebrate. It was tradition that when we won, we either went to a party and went to get some food.

"I can't come tonight." I told them.

"What, why?" Kyle said.

"I've got other plans," I informed.

"What other possible plans could you have?" Mycah said and frowned.

Despite Dylan telling me that he thought Mycah hadn't noticed that anything was up with me, I know that Mycah had. Although, Mycah has no idea what, and Dylan only knows half the story.

"I've gotta go!" I said goodbye and rushed off.

It was a thought that only occurred to me during half time; I wanted to find Myles after the game and if he wanted to, I would take him back to my place.

I just have to find him first. Spotting him alone in the car park, I decided to sneak up behind him. My plan was to give him a little scare, in a joking manner, but he turned around to face me before I got the chance.

"C-Cole?" He mumbled.

There were tears streaming down his face and his cheek had a small smear of blood on it. He was clearly shaken up and it made my heart ache to see him so frightened and upset.

"Myles, what on earth?" I exclaimed. "What the hell happened? Come with me."

I ushered him over to my car and sat him in the passenger's seat. I made my way over to the driver's seat and tried my best to analyze the his injuries.

A few moments passed by, and he had yet to say anything. "What happened?" I asked again, trying to keep my tone calm, which was proving to be difficult, because I was angry that he was hurt.

What had happened to him. Why was he crying? Why was he bleeding?

He let out a pain-filled sob before attempting to explain what happened. "I-I was with my f-friends and... T-then they left a-and, and, and..."

"Slow down, deep breaths," I said soothingly. It was impossible to understand him as each word he spoke was heaved out in deep, sharp breaths.

I placed my hand on his shoulder, wanting to comfort him. What I really wanted was to scoop him up in my arms and hug him. Judging by the way he stared at my hand like it was something foreign, had me realizing that it would be a suitable option.

"Try again." I said.

"I was with my friends but they all left to g-go home. I was about to text Mycah to see when we were gonna go home," He paused, then hiccupped, before continuing. "Then R-Roman came out of nowhere grabbed my phone. I tried to get it back, but I couldn't cause he t-threw it... The screen cracked. He kept taunting me and then he grabbed me by the shirt and punched me."

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