Chapter 19 | Myles

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Things with Cole were going okay... I guess.

He finds me and drags me to secret places and kisses me without warning. But he doesn't talk to me much, though. I would love it if he did.

Maybe he thought things would be awkward if we started talking. It's only been a few days since our date. 

I would like to get to know him better, since we are in this sort of relationship. I want to learn personal things about him. Have him open up to me and me open up to him.

But I'm getting the impression he's not really interested.

Mycah has been eyeing me a lot. He admitted to me that he knows something is going on with me. Oh, but he has no idea.


I barely listened to Jemma as she was animatedly talking about some cute guy that works at the mall.

"Oi!" Fingers snapped in my face.

I blinked and looked at Jemma.

"Are you even listening to me?" She asked.

"Yeah, of course," I said.

"Uh-huh, then what did I say?"

"You were talking about this supposedly cute guy you saw whilst shopping." I told her.

"Yes, but I told you that like 10 minutes ago! I'm talking about our English homework now," She said.

"Wait, English homework?" I suddenly had a little freak out in my brain.

"Yep. I'm guessing you didn't do it." She said matter-of-factly.

"Crap, I don't wanna get in trouble!" I sounded exasperated.

"Get your things from you locker and come back to mine. You can copy down my homework before the bell," She says.


And with that a took off towards my locker.

When I got there I noticed this strange guy with red and black hair, wearing chains.

He turned around and locked eyes with me.

My eyes widened and I couldn't  help but gasp.

It was Roman. He had dyed his hair and started wearing chains.  I guess he was going for a new, tougher, gothic look.

"The fuck are you staring at, faggot?" He snarled.

I didn't say anything I just turned around fast and acted like I didn't hear a thing.

But I did hear.


Oh gosh, did he know?

My thoughts were jumbled and I shut my locker and quickly made my way back to Jemma.

I tried not to get think about it to much, but inside I was flipping out.

When I got to her she said, "You alright? You look like you've seen a ghost."

More like a demon.

"I'm fine." I say.


It was lunch time when Cole came up to me. In public. He never talks to me in front of people at school.

I couldn't ignore the flutter of my heart. I just wanted to smile like a maniac. But I also didn't want to look like a fool.

"Come to the game tonight." He simply stated when he approached.

"Uh, why?" I asked.

"I want you to see me play," He said in a 'duh' tone.


"Besides, I know your friends friends will be coming too. Because your sophomore guys are playing and they were talking about the girls coming along. I thought maybe you could sit with them," He said.

"But they never invited me to come," I told him.

"Well, they are your friends. Why would they mind? Just show up and say you came to watch you brother. But focus on me instead." He winked.

"O-okay." I blushed.

"Yo, Cole!"

I looked past Cole to see Dylan and Mycah.

"What are you doing?" Dylan asked.

"Why are you talking my brother?" Mycah questioned.

"Oh, no reason. Just asking where you are." Cole said.

He could've just said he was having a conversation with me. Would that be such a strange or bad thing to say?


I knocked on the bathroom door, where I knew Mycah would be getting ready inside.

"Mycah?" I said.

He opened up the door shirtless.

"Yeah?" He said.

"Could I come to the game tonight?"

"Yeah sure. But why? You're never really interested in football," he stated.

"Well, I was gonna watch my friends play. You know, Arsen and Jackson. Also, Jemma and Spencer are gonna be there."

"Oh, so it's not because you want to watch your big brother play and come and supported him." He pouted.

I laughed, "Yeah, that too,"

He ruffled my hair. "Okay, I'll be ready to leave in about ten minutes. So be ready."

"Okay!" I dashed off towards my room.


I'm not a fan of loud noises. The crowd was booming; the players weren't even on yet! I honestly just wanted to cover my ears, but I didn't want to be rude.

"I'm so excited for Jackson," Spencer was saying. "He's gonna do great!"

"Yeah and Arsen too. I'm sure of it." Jemma said.

"Hey, Myles." Spencer tapped me on the shoulder.

"I'm going to get some food for me and Jemma. You want anything? It's on me," She offered.

"Uh, just a hotdog. Thanks." I replied.

I watched her walk down the stadium steps and then disappear into the crowd on the ground.

I briefly wondered what Cole, my brother and their friends were doing, whilst getting ready.

I thought the crowd before the game was too noisy; the crowd during the game was noisier; the crowd after the game was noisiest.

They had just finished. We had won.

I was happy for our team. Everyone was screaming their heads off in victory.

I could see my brother and his team beaming with pride. Out of all the commotion between the crowd and the players, Cole and I made eye contact.

He smiled. My heart started beating faster. I couldn't help but grin back. His smile was rare but contagious.


Wow! Can I just say that I'm getting so much comments and votes lately. I am soooooo thankful. I go through all my notifications, so I see you all. You guys are the best!

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