Chapter 34 | Cole

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"Cole- ah. I'm g-gonna come."

My head continued bobbing up and down.

"Cole," Myles warned.

But I didn't move.

So he decided to let go.

I pulled back and concentrated on the taste in my mouth.

Myles' eyes widened in shock. "I'm sorry!"

I ignored that.

I swallowed.

It actually tastes fine. But the fact it came from Myles made it the best thing I've tasted.

"That's pretty good," I said and kicked the remnants of his cum off my lips.

He couldn't have blushed harder.

He rolled onto his side and buried his face into one of my pillows.

I turned him back over.

I chuckled a bit. "Hey, I'm done yet."

Then I unbuttoned my jeans and took off my underwear so he wasn't the only one naked.

I watched Myles, his eyes slightly glazed as they raked over my body.

He gently placed a hand on my abdomen.

He's so cute. Everything about him, everything he does is so fucking cute.

We stared at one another awe. The only sound was our laboured breathing.

"You really are gorgeous," I said.

"You are even more," He whispered.

I lent down quickly to peck him on the lips.

Myles let out a sigh.

He was a lot smaller than me in that department. Eh, but then again everything about him was a lot smaller than me.

The only thing big about Myles is his heart.

I looked down at both our weeping cocks.

I don't want to take this too far tonight. I don't want to scare him.


"What?" I confusedly asked, trying to focus in my euphoric daze.

He mumbled, "Um, I... I don't really w-wanna stop..."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean... I want more. I'm ready." He bit his lip.


"Wait, Myles. Are you sure? I don't mind waiting. It'll will be your first time, it should be special and-" He cut me off by placing a hand over my mouth.

Why am I so nervous about this?

"It will be special. I really want this," He assured.

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