Chapter 32 | Cole

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My face formed a sneer as I saw Kade and Kyle enter the classroom.

Declan and Mycah had told me that they were apparently not happy with the new discovery of my sexuality.

Well, they can go get fucked.

Kade didn't acknowledge my presence just sat in his usual seat. Kyle made eye contact with me but his face was void of any expression.

I can handle whatever they put my way, but if they dare say anything to Myles...

The led of my pencil snapped.

I didn't really want to talk to the twins anytime soon. But they were part of the group. Talking to them is inevitable.

I had figured out more about my sexuality. I came to the conclusion I was gay little while ago. I tried to deny it.

There was a possibility that I was bisexual, because I didn't mind having sex with girls. I noticed
that I didn't find girls necessarily attractive, I could just admit when one was pretty. I thought that maybe I was straight but just gay for Myles.

I eventually had to shut down that assumption that I might be bi, as I realised that I would never be able to fall in love with a girl. I can definitely see myself in love with another boy. In fact, I think I already am.

I also noticed that I had been checking out guys that I found attractive lately. Although, none of them could compare to Myles.

He's the one for me.

My mouth twitched upwards at the thought.

"The hell are you smiling at?" Dylan whispered from the desk next to me.

I shook my head. "Just do your work."

"Hypocrite." He snorted but got on with his work.


At break time I made my way over to the cafeteria and to our usual table.

I spotted Kade and Kyle. So I started storming my way over.

I remembered that I shouldn't over react too much. I don't have any proof yet that they are against me. I slowed down my pace but still made my strides powerful.

Isaac and Dylan were there and the four of them were laughing.

I got to the table and set my food tray down, and sat in my usual seat.

It was silent and Dylan was giving me a wary look.

"Kade, Kyle." I nodded at them.

Kade's face screwed up and Kyle visibly stiffened.

So I guess it's true.

Kade said, "So you're a homosexual now?"

I said, "So you're a homophobic  now?"

He scoffed.

Kyle was suddenly interested in his food.

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