Chapter 36 | Cole

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Dylan and I were standing by his locker talking. "You can't just go and do that, Dylan."

"Do what?" He had a confused expression on his face.

"You completely embarrassed Myles at lunch, today, dude!" My mind had been nagging me to bring up our conversation between the three of us.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I won't bring up the both of your sex lives again," Dylan said with a shrug,

I shook my head at his half-hearted apology.

Myles never really gets pissed off. I rarely saw him get mad. He gets upset. But today, he was pissed off and confronted me about telling Dylan about our first time.

"How would you like it if I went and told Jemma about our sex lives?" Myles had asked me earlier.

"I'd be flattered that you think our sex is that great you felt the need to talk about it with others," I had responded to him with a smirk.

I remembered the tinge of redness that gazed his cheeks. He then sighed, "Whatever. Please just don't do it again."

"Okay, if it upsets you that much, I won't." I lent down to give him a quick kiss and that had been the end of that conversation.

Dylan should've kept his mouth shut. Okay, so I should've kept my mouth shout. It is my fault, I admit. That's the last time I'm telling Dylan.

"Do you want me to apologise to him?" Dylan asked.

"No, that'll just make him more uncomfortable. When he comes over soon, just keep your mouth shut about it." I said firmly.

I told Myles to meet me at my locker to take him home.

I shut my eyes as I let out a couple of sneezes. When I opened that Myles was in front of me smiling.

I smiled back and gave him a chaste kiss.

"You ready to go? Hope you don't mind but Dylan is coming in my car too. His car needs fixing," I told him.

Myles looked over at Dylan who have him a cheesy grin. Myles looked back at me. "It's fine."


The three of us headed out to the carpark.

"Cole." Someone called my name and we all turned around.

It was Kyle. I scowled at him. "Yes?"

He took a few steps towards us. I felt Myles lean into my side and I protectively out an arm around him.

"I just wanted to talk you," He said.

"Well, talk."

"Okay. I just wanted to apologise for the way Kade and I acted. The truth is that I couldn't care what your sexual preference is. I'm sorry for not defending you and Myles and just standing by as he treated you like shit." He looked down and scratched behind his neck.

I glanced over to see Myles and Dylan's facial expressions. Dylan was on his phone and Myles was already looking up at me.

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