Chapter 9 | Myles

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He kissed me. Then he punched me. Oh, and then blamed me for making the first move.

He. As in another guy. Cole had stolen my first kiss from me, which was definitely not how I expected it to happen.

I had always assumed that my first kiss would be with a nice, pretty girl. Preferably someone I had a crush on and not someone random. I never really thought about the possibility that it could turn out different. It wasn't just different, it was completely unexpected too.

Maybe it's silly to believe that my first kiss was going to be something magical. I suppose I had television and novels to blame for that.

Leaning over my bathroom sink, I inspected the bruise on the left side of my jaw. At the moment, it didn't stand out too much but I knew it was going to darken in color over time.

If my parents saw the bruise, they'd undoubtedly worry. They had always called me the more sensitive child. If Mycah saw it, he'd find the person who did it and beat them up. That person happened to be one of his best friends. The last thing I wanted, was to cause drama.

Well, if I wasn't avoiding Cole before, I definitely was now. It's not like I wanted to avoid him. I wanted to get along with all my brother's friends. So far, they all seemed like decent guys. I thought Cole was decent too, but now I don't know what to make of him.

On the basin, sat my mother's foundation, which I had stolen from her bathroom before heading into my own. Our skin was a similar complexion so I hoped that it would do a satisfactory job covering up the bruise. The idea of putting on makeup made me shudder, it wasn't appealing whatsoever.

I had also grabbed some sort of makeup brush to use to apply the foundation. As to whether the brush was the right one, I wouldn't have a clue. Brushing the makeup over the bruise cause me to wince, the skin tender.

To my own eye, it appeared that the makeup had successfully covered the bruise. The small particles of the powder were only visible when up close. My only problem now, was making sure no one would notice I was wearing makeup on the side of my jaw.

Luckily today was Friday. I had today to get through, before I would be home and be able to lock myself away in my room for the weekend. That was pretty normal behavior for my antisocial self. I prayed by next Friday, the bruise would be gone.

The kiss, the punch- it was all I could think about. Cole was all I could think about. No matter how hard I thought about it, I couldn't come up with any fathomable reason for why Cole did what he did. I was appreciative that he decided to wake me up after the detention finished. Falling asleep like that was embarrassing. I was also pleased that I got to apologize for running away after he helped me get away from Roman. Although, it seemed he was never really bothered by that anyway. 

Cole and I have hardly had a proper conversation. We hardly knew each other, and if it wasn't for him being friends with my brother, he would just be a stranger I go to school with. He couldn't possibly think I was anything appealing physically and he doesn't know me enough to think I'm appealing in a personality type of way. So why did he kiss me? Was he just messing around with me- a prank even?


"Oh my gosh! Myles, what happened to your face?" Jemma shouted, after greeting me by my locker.

Fantastic. It was the first thing anyone said to me since I had arrived. Guess I really hadn't done a good job.

"Is that a bruise and are you wearing makeup to cover it?" She bombarded me with questions.

I brushed her off. "I'm all good, it's fine."

"Lies. It's far from fine. Who did this? Are you being bullied? You can tell me."

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