Chapter 11 | Myles

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A shrill voice called my name from a distance away, but it was almost impossible to identify who the voice belonged to. The hallways of the school were excessively loud from the chatter of multiple students. It was Monday morning, the start of my second week of being back to school.

Turning away from my locker, I tried to spot where the sound of my name had come from. That turned out to be pointless, as I couldn't see anyone through the jam-packed hallway. I was almost convinced that I was hearing things.

I didn't want to look like an idiot searching for someone who might not even be there. I decided to continue on with what I had been doing a moment ago; trying to neatly stack my textbooks inside my locker, making sure the title on the spines were visible.

"Hey, Myles." A different voice, that definitely belonged to a male called me.

The sudden feeling of hand placed on my shoulder spooked me a little.

Spencer and Jackson had appeared right beside me. So they must have been the owners of the voices I was convinced I was hearing in my head.

"Hey, man, could barely see you in amongst the crowd." Jackson greeted me with a playful tone.

"Yeah, we tried calling out to you a couple times but I didn't seem like you heard us." Spencer said.

"Oh, really? Oops." I smiled sheepishly. I had heard them, I just hadn't seen them.

"How was your first week of school? Are you liking it here?" Spencer asked me.

"A bit easier than I thought." I answered. "It wasn't so bad. Although, I can't really say I like school all together."

"Oh, that's good! And yeah, I totally know how you feel. I've never liked school. Jackson loves it though." She replied, finishing with a mocking gag before elbowing Jackson.

"Hey, watch it!" He grabbed Spencer's arm and linked it with his. "I just like socializing and the sport. I hate the actual school work, of course."

"That's because you don't understand it." Spencer said teasingly, with a mischievous grin.

"Not true." Jackson scoffed.

I could agree with not liking the school work, but as for being social or doing sport... gross.

The sudden movement of a figure dashing through the hallways caught my attention.

Jemma, overly excited and happy, as usual, was quite literally running towards us with a large smile on her face.

Right behind her, is Arsen was tailing at her heels.

"Gosh, woman. Slow down!" He yelled as he attempted to keep up with her.

The scene was amusing, I couldn't help but grin. I like these people.

"Oh, how I missed you guys," Jemma said, when she come to a halt in front of us.

"Uhhh, girlie, it's only been the weekend," Spencer pointed out.

"I know, I know. But we just had holidays and then we reunite again only to be torn apart on the weekends." She sighed dramatically before turning to me. "And Myles, I only just met you and I can't get enough of you!"

Hearing how fond she seemed of me already, made me feel so grateful to have her as a friend. That's right, I had a friend now. No, friends, actually. It was something I was so stressed out about before starting school. I had been so scared that I wouldn't be able to befriend anyone.

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