Chapter 17 | Myles

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I looked at the vintage clock that sat on bedside table, placed next to the now empty box of chocolates Cole had given me. I had consumed the whole box of chocolates the day I had received them, only sparing one for Cole. It wasn't my plan to eat them all but once I ate one, I couldn't stop. Now I was nauseous from over eating. Maybe some of that nausea had also come from the nerves of preparing for my first date.

The date is at 7:00pm. I had half an hour to get ready and absolutely no idea what to wear.

Cole had given me his number and texted me some further details about our date. He let me know that it was casual. That was relieving, I didn't want him to go all out and spend a lot of money. It also meant that I didn't have to wear anything fancy, which was easy for me, since I didn't own fancy clothes

I had- what I hoped to believe, was somewhat stylish clothing. My wardrobe consisted of mainly casual outfits but at least they weren't untrendy.

Mycah wasn't home so he had no idea I was going out tonight. As for my parents, as far as they know, they thought I was just going to hang out with Jemma at her house. That was the lie I told them and surprisingly, I didn't feel guilty about it. Oops.

I honestly thought I was going to puke when I heard Cole's car pull up the driveway. Nothing I seemed to do was calming me down and I didn't want to be a disheveled mess on our date.

Despite my nerves, I was excited. I was also flattered, because out of all the beautiful girls in the school Cole could have chosen to go out with, he chose me instead. I'm not even a girl. It felt special knowing that this would be both of our first dates.

A looked down outside to see his black car. It's sleek and rather new looking. It definitely suited him. The only thing I knew was the brand name of the car. Unfortunately, I had little knowledge when it came to cars.

Cole sat in the car for what felt like two minutes. I couldn't quite make out his figure through the tinted glass. Wait, is he gonna get out of the car?

All of a sudden he opened up the car door opened and he walked up to the front. I turned away from the window, feeling like a creep watching him arrive.

Just like he didn't get out of the car straight away, I didn't hear the door bell until moments after he'd already been standing on the front porch.

Maybe he's nervous too?

I was probably kidding myself. Cole didn't seem like the type of person who would be nervous over this. I liked to think that just maybe, he was.

Making my way downstairs I heard my mum yell. "Honey! Do you want me to get the door for you?"

I can't let her do that, then she'd see that I'm not actually hanging out with Jemma. Instead, I'm going on a date with my brother's friend. It sounded cringeworthy when it was worded like that.

"No, I'll get it!" I shouted and hurried down the stairs.

"Bye, parents," I said to my mum and dad.

"Have fun." My dad replied.

I opened the front door, feeling flushed and looked up at Cole. He smirked down at me.

"Hey, you ready?" He asked.

"H-hi, yes."

He gestured towards his car and got in. The first thing I noticed, was the he didn't open up the door for me. That's fine. Well, he doesn't have to do that, but it would've been nice. Am I expecting too much of this date already? I supposed I shouldn't have expected it just because I saw it happen in movies.

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