Chapter 37 | Myles

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After waking up, I spent a few moments getting ready for school in my room before I headed downstairs to get breakfast. My steps faltered, making me pause when I saw my dad sitting in the living room. I accidentally made eye contact with him and quickly looked away.

I haven't spoken properly to him ever since I came out. That was a month ago. Things between my dad and I have been quiet and uncomfortable. Reminiscing on how our relationship was before I came out only brought pain. I missed talking to him and even just feeling comfortable around him.

I glanced down and fidgeted with the hem of my shirt.


I looked up.

"Come here, sit down," He said.

Hesitantly, I made my way over to the sofa and sat at the other end. I feared that maybe he was still mad at me but nonetheless, I had some hope that things were going to be okay between us.

"I want to talk to you," He sighed. "Lately, I haven't been a good father. Apologising won't do much good, but Myles, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I've shut you out, I should've been there for you. You know I'll love you no matter what, right?"

My vision started to blur as I struggled not to burst into tears. I don't think I've ever felt this relieved in my life. The main thing a child wants from their parents, is love and acceptance.

I nodded. "Yeah... I know. I love you too, Dad."

He scooted closer so he could wrap his arms around me.

"Thanks, Dad."

"Oh, Myles, don't thank me. You shouldn't have to thank me for accepting you. It should just be a given." His words were making me more emotional than I anticipated but I was definitely happy to hear them.

I hugged him tighter before pulling away.  My attention was diverted upon hear a sniffle that sounded like it came from a short distance away. We both turned around to see my mother crying.

"Oh, don't mind me." She wiped under her eyes.

I returned the smile she gave me and out of the corner of my eye, I could see my dad smiling too.

"As much as I would to spend some time together as a family right now- you have school. Are you almost ready to go?" My Dad asked.

"Kind of. I need to have breakfast. I think I'll be ready in about fifteen minutes." I hurried over to the kitchen.

"I'll take you and Mycah to school today." I heard my dad call out from where he still seated.

The last time I remember my dad driving my brother and me to school was at least a couple of years ago. My parents hadn't needed to drive us since Mycah got his license Safe to say, I was pleasantly surprised when he offered to take us. Maybe this was part of the way he was hoping to make up for things.

The car ride wasn't necessarily comfortable but it wasn't awkward. My dad made small every now and then, although, he never has been a man of many words.

I sat in the front passenger seat, while Mycah sat in the back. I remember always arguing with him about who got "shotgun" when we were younger. I almost expected him to call it out today. He just slipped into the backseat with any drama. He obviously sensed why my dad was taking us to school let me sit in the front.

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