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"okay! so luke and i are going to switch sides because i feel like i haven't had enough of his side!" michael shouted. luke came to our side and started throwing his hands up to get us rowdy. i screamed so much that my throat hurt.

"it's luke fucking hemmings!!!" i cried and waved my hands around in hope for him to see me. sadly, he didn't.

"okay! brisbaaaaaaaane?! are you still with us?" ashton sang into the mic and everyone went crazy. i jumped up and down and hit my mum's arm a few times. i knew she said something but i couldn't hear her. oops.

"we have some bad news. the next song is our last song for tonight. but guess what? cool bands do this thing where they walk off stage and then come back on stage to sing two more songs. it's called an encore. since we're a cool band, we're gonna do that!" ashton beamed into his mic.

"ashton, our band sucks," michael giggled into his mic and the crowd screamed in agreement.

"shut it, mike! anyways, the only way to get us to come back out is if you cheer and chant! here's our last song, sing it if you know it," i watched ashton wink on the big screen. the first riffs of she looks so perfect started and i died.

• • •

"that was the best night of my life, mom," i sighed of happiness. they just walked off stage and yeah, i kinda felt like crying but it was okay. things were great.

"i'm glad you had fun, honey. but i'm tired. i have to go to work at 10 tomorrow--"

"i know, let's go." so i picked up my merch from off the floor around me and inched towards the exit with every other person leaving the arena.

we walked down the main hall of the building with a bunch of crying and excited girls and found our way out.

"do you remember which floor of the parking garage we parked on?" my mum asked. i had no clue and shook my head. "shit."

we spent 20 minutes or so taking the elevator and checking each floor. still, no luck. "wait! didn't we park in the basement?" i asked and mum groaned. so we got back in the elevator.

some other kid was in there but he was facing away from us, on his phone with his head down. we pushed the button -1 on the side of the door and waited for the doors to close.

"brisbane!" the guy started talking and my heart stopped. i'd know that voice from anywhere. "you guys were so amazing and loud! thank you so much for having us!" he was recording himself on snapchat. i looked at my mum in pure shock. she was confused.

"i-i," i choked out and he turned around and smiled widely.

"you must be a fan! hi!" he got his camera ready like he wanted to take a picture with me.

"you're luke hemmings!" my heart was racing and i knew that we only had limited time to be with him in this elevator.

"well, that's what my mum named me," he shrugged. "want a picture?" i quickly nodded my head and took a step towards him. he wrapped one arm around my waist and pulled me close. my mum was smiling like an idiot.

"should i take the photo?" she asked. luke smiled and handed her his phone. he pulled me a little bit closer to him. mum snapped a picture. "one more?" luke asked and i didn't hesitate to shake my head yes.

my mum didn't see because she was too busy getting the camera ready on her phone too but luke quickly squished my bum and leaned in to whisper something. "have you seen us before?" he asked. i shook my head.

"i hope to see you again. you're extremely good looking," he whispered again before going back to a normal position. my mum let out a relieved sigh and finally got her camera to work before snapping a picture on her phone and then on luke's.

i was completely flushed.

a/n: idk which story to update next yikes™

how are you guys??? also ty for 1.5k yayay!!!!!

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