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i arrived at the address that michael gave me and immediately got super nervous. is there other celebrities here? would michael think i looked ugly in person? oh god, is luke here? i almost got back in my car but instead mustered up the courage to go ring the doorbell.

i walked up the driveway and did so. someone opened the door right away and invited me inside the house with a drunk smile. i smiled back and walked past the person, trying to find michael in the big crowd of people. the picture he took looked like he was outside, so that's where i went.

what was he talking about when he said this party was lame? this is a legit party and it's the complete opposite of boring.

my heart beat faster and faster with each step i took and i gasped when i saw the familiar red hair. his back was turned away from me and he was talking to some girl. she was obnoxiously twirling her hair in her fingers and giggling at whatever michael said. i shyly walked over to him and tapped him on the shoulder.

he turned around.

and he yelled a lot.

in excitement, of course.

and then i got pulled into a hug. the girl scoffed and walked away, probably annoyed that michael was no longer paying attention to her.

i was taken aback by the hug but michael was hugging me tightly, so i hugged him back. he smelt like spices and alcohol, but it was really nice. he pulled away and smiled at me.

"i can't believe you're here! in real life! standing right in front of me!" michael giggled, drinking more of his beer. i didn't even know what to say but what i said next was stupid. so stupid. god.

"i love you!" i squealed and michael instantly got uncomfortable. i could tell because his smiled kinda faded and he looked at his shoes. "shit, i'm sorry. i meant to say 'i could say the same for you!'"

"it's okay. i kinda expected you to be shorter? maybe 5'10? oh well. you're adorable. wanna go get a drink?"

i was so happy.

a/n; idek what im doing with this story lol

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