Chapter 1

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"Let me be very clear Elena. I essentially need a robot, especially after that fiasco with Leila. This damn merger with Suster Telecommunications is going south and I need a release, but this sub has to be straightforward and uncomplicated — the bare amount of chit chat and instruction, and sure as fuck no emotions," Christian growled before rattling off a list of the usual physical attributes he was seeking in a submissive.

Elena put up her hand. "I know, I know and I'm so sorry about Leila. I had no idea she'd become so emotionally invested. Nothing in her prior record suggested she would cross those boundaries. But I have the perfect girl for you. She came to me about a year and a half ago. She's a little on the young side but fully trained and vetted, with excellent credentials, a high pain threshold and unfailing obedience."

"Fine," Christian huffed, skeptical. "Show me her file."

Elena passed the manila folder to her protégé across the large oak desk in his home office.

"She's 21, studies international law and doesn't do much else. Smart but keeps to herself. Rough background but she overcame it and now works in a bookstore to put herself through college. No family, not many friends or other problematic attachments. She's had four Doms since she turned 18, two of whom were under my wing. All four said she was the perfect submissive and all parted ways amicably. She prefers not to get attached."

Christian examined the file. Mother overdosed at age 12. No biological father. In and out of a variety of foster homes for three years. Then some distant uncle took her in. She left him when she was 18 for the University of Seattle. No family contact, which means they're just as shitty as the foster care system she was under.

"She's damaged goods Elena." Like me.

"We're all damaged," she retorted. Christian grunted. "I initially hesitated to bring her on given her troubled upbringing but her track record as a sub has been stellar. She typically remains with her Dom for six months and has dabbled in scenes at the club for me. No problems or complaints. Quiet girl who knows what she wants and doesn't expect anything else from her Doms. About as straightforward as I have in my ranks at the moment."

Christian continued to survey the file, shifting to the nude photos and body specs. She's not gorgeous, but she ticks off all the right boxes. Crooked teeth and her nose is a bit off, but her body is nice. Perky tits, tight stomach — may just need to eat more. Stunning blue eyes. Fuck it, I need someone before I explode!

"Alright," Christian declared, closing the file. "Bring her by tomorrow to iron out the details."

"Great," Elena beamed. "One caveat, which I'm sure you'll approve of. Her only real hard limits are that she specifically doesn't want to discuss anything related to her personal life and doesn't require much aftercare. She's a firm believer that the lines between Dom and Sub should never be blurred. All she is interested in are the scenes. She's willing to stay over Saturday night but no transportation to or from home and absolutely no gifts of any kind."

Christian's ears perked up. That's a novelty. We'll see how long that selflessness really lasts. My guess is about five minutes after she sees I live in a big castle full of money.

"Fine, whatever," Christian acquiesced. All she seems to care about is sex, so at least we'll be a perfect match on that front.

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