Chapter 7

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Author's Note: This is a bit of a roller coaster — sorry, I went back and forth with it but hopefully you like it. After this are two light-hearted chapters, and then Ana's backstory is revealed, which should offer more insights into her personality. Thank you for the reviews — love them!!

Ana leaned her head against the armrest and decided to enjoy her unexpected respite from reality. She had finally stopped pestering Christian about helping him in the kitchen after he had shooed her out for the third time.

Half an hour later, he emerged, proudly bearing two steaming-hot mugs.

"Here you go Miss Steele," he said, handing her a cup before taking his spot beside her.

"Thank you Sir. This is wonderful."

Ana spoke too fast. As soon as she took a sip, she scrunched her face in disgust before she realized what she had done.

"What's wrong?" he asked, eyes wide with fear.

"Nothing Sir. This is fabulous." And I'm a horrible liar.

"Ana, I've been described as many things, but when it comes to the kitchen, fabulous is definitely not among the adjectives."

"Perhaps that's simply not the room where your particular expertise lies Sir," she said, giving him a scorching gaze.

The fireplace was now officially an afterthought. The flames between them were enough to heat up the room.

You promised her some rest Grey, not another playroom romp. Cool your jets.

"And I will ensure that you become well-versed with my expertise," he crooned, "but first tell me what's wrong with the cocoa."

"It's just a tad on the sweet side, that's all," she replied, trying to take another sip without giving herself a cavity.

"I only added two teaspoons of sugar," he said defensively.

"My teeth are just sensitive." He eyed her dubiously. "Also, I believe the little pods already come pre-sweetened. But it's delicious."

"Shit. Why don't they write that on the damn packages then? What an asinine invention."

Ana smiled coyly. One that made its inventors millions. Bemused, Christian took the cup from her and set it down on the coffee table.

"Let me make you another one in that case." And redeem myself.

"No please." I have to leave some time today. "That's really not necessary. I have everything I need right here. I'm enjoying myself."

Christian grinned, taking a hold of her feet and massaging the soles with his firm grip. Ana stifled her groan. Oh God, this man can give a woman an orgasm with just a foot rub.

"Does that feel nice," he chuckled, arrogance personified.

"It feels heavenly Sir." Ana almost zoned out in ecstasy before remembering herself. "But I should be the one making you feel good. It's my job Sir."

Why the fuck does she always make it sound like an obligation? Christian took a deep, fortifying breath. Chill out Grey. Don't ruin the mood.

"Well, you know what they say about all work and no play?" he teased.

"Yes, but I highly doubt anyone could ever accuse you of being a dull boy, errr, man ... Sir." Obey Ana. Don't flirt. Your sense of humor is about as sexy as that canker sore on the roof of your mouth last week.

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