Chapter 13

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hi everyone! I know my updates are unpredictable, but at least they're coming sooner rather than later :) So here's another heavy heart-to-heart. Christian still had to reveal parts of his past, so this is another hurdle they had to overcome. This is pretty much it for his big reveals. Christian is definitely the one with less issues in this story. For once, I wanted Ana to be the tormented one, since Christian's always the one with emotional issue and relationship phobias.

Please review! Your comments give me inspiration and also ideas.

After a steady stream of texts and emails, Friday rolled around and Ana walked into Christian's apartment with the enticing smell of homemade soup wafting through the air. She stopped in her tracks when she saw Christian huddled over the kitchen stove, stirring a large pot with a wooden ladle.

Is that my Dom cooking — for me?!?! Holy fuck, I've now officially entered the Twilight Zone.

"You're cooking," she shrieked, frozen to the spot while her purse swayed from her shoulder.

"Hardly," he scoffed, walking over to plant a sloppy kiss on her lips. "More like reheating. I ordered minestrone from that Italian place you like and Gail left me explicit instructions on how to reheat it. That's about as close as I'll ever come to cooking my dear."

"That's still pretty far Christian," she breathed, amazed that he not only went to all this trouble, but that he actually remembered the name of her favorite Italian restaurant. "It's also probably going to taste far better than anything I could ever concoct."

"Ah yes, I remember. How did you describe cooking? I believe your exact words were 'necessary evil,'" he chuckled, his arms wrapped snugly around her waist.

Ana crinkled her nose. "You don't need to remember every single I word say Mr. Grey," she playfully rebuked him.

"You're not the only one with a good memory Miss Steele," he parried back. "Come. Put your stuff down. We'll be taking a break from your exceptional culinary skills tonight, so why don't you go set the table? I'll plate up the soup. It should be warm by now."

"Don't burn it," she quipped, mildly affronted by his "exceptional" dig.

He knitted his brows together. "Can you burn soup?"

"I don't know actually. For most people I assume the answer would be no," she giggled, "but don't worry, I'm sure I'd manage to burn it somehow. Everything in my kitchen has been burned at least twice. I always make sure I have a working fire extinguisher on hand. I'm surprised I haven't singed off my eyebrows yet."

"Good thing you're not in charge then," he smiled, giving her a thwack on her butt as she went to grab some napkins and spoons. I may be in charge, but you've got me by the balls Miss Topping from the Bottom and Can't Cook for Shit.

They ate in companionable silence. Christian was satisfied just to watch Ana devour her soup. He'd cracked another piece of her puzzle. It's not that she has a small appetite; she just has a limited one. As long as I get her the few things she does like to eat, her appetite is voracious. Hopefully that carries over to the bedroom later tonight.

Ana was tempted to lick the bowl clean before she remembered her manners. The money on her dining pass had run out for the month and between work, classes and Christian, she hadn't been able to stock up on groceries, though she didn't dare share this tidbit with a certain food-obsessed Dom.

"Mind if I get another bowl?" she asked, her stomach rumbling.

"Be my guest," Christian laughed, unable to contain his glee. "I had them make a second batch for you."

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