Chapter 12

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Short and sweet, but I just wanted to send you guys a little treat before the movie trailer tomorrow. Plus, I got ahead on work, a trip got cancelled and the hubby is busy with football, so here you go... :)

Ana sat in the plush leather backseat of Christian's Audi nervously wringing her hands together. She felt odd being chauffeured around town but that wasn't the source of her anxiety. Christian had been pleasant but preoccupied all morning — and she fully expected him to give her the old heave-ho once he dropped her off at school.

"Ana," Christian finally broke the anticipation-laden silence. "I need to talk to you about something important."

Her stomach sank. "What is it?" she said meekly, concentrating on the twisted fingers in her lap.

"I need to give you something but you probably won't like it."

"OK, just show it to me," she whispered, her her bottom lip trembling.

"Here you go baby." He reached into his briefcase and pulled out a small white box, placing it into her clammy hand. Puzzled, she examined the plastic-wrapped, space-age-looking box, wondering if her terminated sub contract was somehow wedged inside. Why would he gift-wrap a Dear John letter dumping me? That's creative but pretty cruel.

Christian helped Ana flip the box over so she could see the label. "It's a new iPhone. You told me the other day that our texts were causing overages in your current plan, so I installed a newer plan where you can have unlimited texts, emails, apps etc. That way, we can communicate without you feeling cramped by your phone plan." Plus, now you can get rid of that flip phone and join the rest of us in the 21st century.

Ana stared at the box, twirling it around in her palm like a meteor from an alien planet. She knew what an iPhone was — everyone on campus was glued to one — but she had never seen the actual box it came in.

"This is all so we can text each other?" she asked in childlike wonder.

"Yes of course. I respect what you've said about not purchasing you gifts but I felt it was my responsibility to at least provide you with a phone since I was the one using up your minutes. It's only fair," he insisted. "And I installed an app that has over 10,000 books at your disposal," he added, carefully gauging her reaction.

"Wow, that's more books than the school library," she breathed in awe before looking back up at Christian, tears swimming in her eyes. "This is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. Thank you!"

Christian's mouth dropped open. The iPod was a pittance. It barely cost him a penny. He was accustomed to giving his former subs cars and jewels that probably totaled millions of dollars. Yet nothing he'd ever given anyone before had elicited such unbridled gratitude.

"You're welcome baby. It's nothing," he stammered, overwhelmed by Ana's joy.

"It's not nothing. It's so much," she said, giving him an incandescent smile.

He promptly reached over to smash his lips against hers, tasting the seam before plunging his tongue deep inside. Ana groaned, temporarily forgetting about the box in her hand.

After several minutes, they broke apart, both breathless. Christian began rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"In the spirit of your newfound flexibility, I wanted to ask you something else." Ana tensed. "If you're available, would you like to meet before our designated Saturday time?"

Yes I would! But I can't. I have so much work to do and I can't lose sight of my studies. This has all been like an extraordinary dream but it could still vanish at any moment, and I can't afford to fuck up my education — not after how far I've come. It's all I have.

"I wish I could, but I can't," she said despondently. "I have two papers on top of two shifts at Clayton's."

"Oh," Christian said, deflated. "I understand."

"I can maybe come over a little earlier if you'd like though — say on Friday night instead of Saturday? Only if you don't have plans of course."

Christian smiled. "The only plans I have are with you Anastasia," he purred.

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