Chapter 28

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Sorry, between the holidays and crazy life stuff, I forgot to update the last chapter! Here it is. Thank you everyone for reading, voting and commenting. I hadn't been on Wattpad in a while and was stunned to see how many people have viewed my stories — so amazing! I'll be taking a break from fanfiction for the next few months because work and life will be too demanding, but hopefully when things calm down and inspiration hits me, I'll still be able to put up a few stories. In the meantime, thank you everyone for your support and I wish you a terrific 2017!!!!

As they traipsed through the otherworldly forests of Oregon during their latest weekend getaway, Ana was mesmerized by the corpuscular rays of sunlight streaming in through the gargantuan moss-covered tree stumps. Christian, meanwhile, was far more preoccupied making sure Ana didn't trip over the scattered branches and uneven terrain.

"You know Mia thinks you're going shopping with her for that fundraiser next Saturday?" Christian said, his hand hovering at the small of her back as he carefully guided her forward. His breath hitched every time she slightly wobbled.

"Yeah, I don't know how I got roped into that one. All I said was, 'Have fun looking for a dress,' and somehow that got interpreted as, 'I'll help you find a dress,'" Ana laughed, lost in the lush greenery enveloping her. Christian gently grabbed her elbow to steady her as they marched toward a clearing.

"My sister speaks her own language. The credit card is her dictionary. Just a bring a book while she tries on every outfit in the store," he joked.

"That's OK. I've come to enjoy her company. I don't usually understand half the things she says about designers and celebrities, but her enthusiasm is contagious."

And it was. Over the last three months, Ana had increasingly spent time with Christian's family, who embraced the bright young woman with open arms. She, in turn, became more open to the idea of letting others in, overcoming her fears that they would eventually abandon her. Likewise, Christian was also gradually accepting the fact that Ana was not going to leave him. Neither, in fact, had left the other's side since the night of the gala when Christian confessed his love to Ana. They were inseparable and didn't want it any other way.

A stream gently burbled in the distance as Christian sat down on a log overlooking a clearing through the trees that offered a camera-worthy view of the setting sun. He pulled Ana onto his lap, wrapping his arms around her stomach and resting his head on her shoulder as she marveled at the idyllic landscape.

"This is so freaking amazing," she whispered in awe. "I feel like I'm in 'Lord of the Rings' or something."

"I'm glad you like it baby," he chuckled. "The travel agent said it was one of the most picturesque sights in the entire Northwest."

She hummed contentedly, leaning her head against his broad chest.

After 20 minutes of companionable silence, Christian reluctantly interrupted Ana's reverie.

"Sorry baby, the sun's going down and we still have a 20-minute hike back to the resort. I don't want you stumbling around in the dark."

Ana rolled her eyes. "I'm sure my overprotective boyfriend would catch me."

Christian helped Ana to her feet and gave her butt a light smack. "Yes he would. And don't roll your eyes," he smirked. "Besides, we've got all day tomorrow to do more hiking or whatever you want."

Ana suddenly turned to face Christian, caressing his cheek with her palm.

"Thank you for this trip Christian. It was so thoughtful. I love it."

He leaned down to reverentially kiss her lips. "And I love you."

"I love you too," she breathed, her admission stunning them both. Ana's body froze but after a moment she smiled. It's about time Steele — and wow, look at that, the world didn't end!

She expected to see elation on Christian's face but was instead met with an unreadable expression.

"Ana, I think it is time for a new contract," he blurted out, taking her by surprise.

She felt her heart dissolve into tiny pieces, all of her renewed hopes and dreams scattering in the wind like ashes and dust. Oh God, nothing's changed. He wants another contract. I thought I was done with all this shit but now it looks like I'll never escape it. I knew I never should have opened my big mouth! I've ruined everything!

Ana was jolted out of her morbid reverie when Christian got down on one knee.

"Don't worry baby," he reassured her. "It's nothing like that. I've been keeping this handy for whenever I felt you were ready to see it. It hasn't been easy secretly carrying this sucker around for months. Took you long enough," he winked before pulling out a velvet box from his back pocket and opening it to reveal a sparkling diamond ring inside.

She blinked, her mouth slack.

"Marry me Anastasia. Be mine forever. Make me the happiest man on earth and let me make you the happiest woman for the rest of your life. And even if there are days when we're unhappy, we'll get through those as well — together, side by side. Let our marriage certificate be the very last contract we ever sign between us."

Ana was blind-sighted by the dazzling ring, but all she could really see was her future with the man on bended knee in front of her. She envisioned herself growing old with him, surrounded by children and grandkids as they hosted cozy dinners at home and exotic vacations abroad. She pictured both of them trying to cook and failing miserably at it, watching TV on rainy nights and making love after a hard day at work.

But in that instant, her vision was clouded with another stark image: Christian comforting her during one of her inevitable bouts of depression. She saw herself on those bleak days when she would cry for no reason or refuse to see the light of day — weighed down by the inadequacy of being married to a brilliant billionaire; the insidious anxiety that liked to remind her she was never quite good enough; and the omnipresent pain of her past. She imagined how unfair it would be to subject a man like Christian to a lifetime of mental demons that had grown quiet in recent months but whose shadow would always reside deep within her.

It was times like these that her old nemesis of self-doubt reared its head, but thanks to Christian and Flynn's patient guidance, she was learning to silence the beast and put it back in its place — firmly in her past.

She gazed into Christian's grey eyes as they anxiously scrutinized her face.

He wants this. I want this. He'll be there for me during the rough times, just like I'll be there for him. He deserves to be happy — and so do I.

Ana wordlessly nodded, tears rolling down her cheeks. "Thank Christ," Christian expelled his breath. He carefully slipped the diamond-encrusted platinum band over her finger, relief pouring off of him. Once he was sure the fit was secure, he sprung to his feet and captured her lips in a fierce kiss that spoke of his unfailing devotion and commitment.

After what seemed like an eternity, Ana pulled away from their passion-filled embrace, breathless and bowled over by the turn her life had taken not only in the past few minutes, but also in the last few months.

A random thought struck her as the sun's rays began to bleed into the horizon. Ever since she was a little girl, Ana had mindlessly gazed at sunsets — whether in a flea-infested apartment building, the back of a trailer park or through the grimy windows of the orphanage. But until Christian, she had never truly seen them. Like the lawyer that she was, she studied the palette of oranges, reds and yellows but only as an observer. The colors didn't register. For years, Ana was a passerby in her own life — much like the sunsets she watched but whose beauty eluded her. It took a remarkable man who upended her monochrome existence for her to finally become a participant in life, absorbing and appreciating the colors in it.

Ana lovingly stroked the course stubble of Christian's jawline. "I love you Mr. Grey."

His smile was brighter than all the sunsets she'd ever seen before. "And I love you Mrs. Grey. Always."



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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2017 ⏰

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