Chapter 2

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Ana walked into the cavernous, cold penthouse in a plain, long-sleeve white shirt and jeans. She didn't own many clothes so she kept what she had simple but form-fitting and classy. She wore sneakers but they were clean and in good shape.

Taylor ushered her through the living room and opened the study door for her. "In here ma'am."

"Thank you," she replied politely, stepping inside with her head bowed. Christian rose from his seat while Taylor left them to their own devices, accustomed to the routine.

Christian scanned the petite woman who wordlessly stood in the middle of the room. Good body. Nice hair. Pretty face. I've had better but I can work with it.

"You may look up," he commanded, momentarily struck by her long lashes and crystal blue eyes. "Please have a seat," he said, quickly regaining his composure.

"Thank you Sir," she replied, taking her seat as she awaited her next command.

"You have your addendums to the contract?"

"Yes Sir," she said, handing him the revised document.

Christian leaned back in his leather chair as he pored over her changes, efficiently bookmarked in colorful tabs. Not many hard limits. Just the usual — blood, choking, water play etc. I hate those too. I don't know why I even bother to include them in my contracts.

He flipped the page and saw a long list of additions to the personal interactions category. She's more comfortable looking down than directly at her Dom? Interesting. Christian glanced up. Her eyes were firmly rooted to her lap. Whatever. Everyone who does this shit has their quirks. Absolutely no discussion of her personal life, though she's provided extensive medical records and a background check. That's fine. Not like I want her to know my demons either. She will provide transportation to and from my apartment, does not require aftercare unless mutually agreed upon and the allocation of money or other gifts is absolutely forbidden. Christian scoffed to himself before reading her final note. Minimal verbal communication is required — just the bare necessity in order to perform a scene and fulfill Sir's instructions. Outside contact of any form is strictly forbidden.

Intrigued, Christian looked up at the brown-haired beauty sitting silently before him.

"Please look up and speak freely." She instantly did. Her eyes glittered with specks of turquoise, though otherwise they were devoid of clues. Unlike his past subs, he couldn't get a read on her.

"You are determined to keep your private life separate aren't you?"

"Naturally Sir."

"May I ask why you got involved in this lifestyle?"

"I enjoy pain and felt it was a healthy outlet Sir."

Frustrated with the brevity of her responses, Christian continued his interrogation. "Tell me a little more about your background. Before I sign a new submissive, I want to ensure that we're on the same page."

"I have had four Doms Sir since turning 18. My typical contract lasts six months, though I'm flexible on shortening or extending it, depending on circumstances. My most recent Dom prior to joining Ms. Lincoln lasted a year. Otherwise, I have engaged in several scenes at her clubs in between arrangements."

"Why did your one-year arrangement end?" Christian inquired, his curiosity piqued.

Ana shrugged. "It was a mutual decision Sir."

"And the others?" he pressed on.

"The contract expired. One Dom found a girlfriend after me and eventually got married I believe. With the other two I simply decided not to renew the contract," she replied mechanically.

She's definitely going to make a good lawyer. Her personality is as dry as a brillo pad. "Why not?" he probed.

Again, the shrug. He would need to rid her of that nasty habit with a thorough caning. "No particular reason. It was simply time to move on. I do not get attached Sir," she said, her stare unwavering and spine stiff.

"And before that?"

Her brows furrowed. "Before what Sir?"

"Before you became involved in BDSM?"

"There is a lengthy background check included in my file," she reminded him, an undercurrent of admonishment in her voice. Christian noticed it was the first time she purposely omitted calling him Sir. He got the message.

"Very well. Let's discuss the logistics. In terms of timing, be here by 9 a.m. Saturday and leave by 4 p.m. Sunday. I may require you to come over one additional night during the week at a pre-decided time of convenience for both of our schedules." Because this merger is fucking killing me and I need to beat the shit out of someone other than myself and my employees.

"That is acceptable Sir," she replied robotically, her mask impassive. Christian's agitation grew.

"You work at a bookstore?"

"Yes Sir." Pulling teeth. Just get on with it Grey.

"Will the midweek rendezvous be a problem for you at work?"

"No Sir, as long as you can notify me one week in advance and I can come after classes."

"Very well. Are you available this Wednesday in addition to the upcoming weekend?" he asked, a tad too eagerly for his taste."

"Yes Sir."

"Good. Any questions then?"

"No Sir."

He frowned, inexplicably irritated by her aloof demeanor yet drawn to it at the same time.

"Alright then, let's sign. I have work to do," he said gruffly.

She nodded, unfazed, and dutifully completed the paperwork in front of her.

"I'll see you Saturday Anastasia." All of you in fact. He hid his smirk.

"Yes Sir," she said, clipped and emotionless.

"Go out the door and Taylor will see you out," he said brusquely, before softening his tone. "I look forward to seeing you Saturday Anastasia," he added, enjoying the sound of her name on his tongue."

"Thank you Sir," she said, walking out the door without a glance back.

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