Chapter 21

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Here it is – the start of the ball! This is going to be spread out over several chapters because the ball and its aftermath are really the climax of this story. Enjoy!

Ana rotated her neck in every direction, doing her best "Exorcist" imitation as she tried to absorb the resplendent surroundings. The ballroom was decked out in glittering chandeliers reminiscent of "Phantom of the Opera," rows of waiters held champagne flutes and the linen-draped tables were topped with elaborate arrangements of orchids and lilies that seemed to touch the ceiling — which, incidentally, boasted a Michelangelo-like mural that looked like it came straight out of the Sistine Chapel.

"This is all for a children's cancer charity?" she whispered, in awe. "Even that magnum bottle of Dom Perignon in the corner?" I'm assuming they don't give that to the kids.

"I know," Christian chuckled, patting her arm, which was looped around the crook of his elbow. "Pretty ostentatious isn't it?"

"Ummm, ya think?"

"Galas are just rich people's excuse to throw a party. Consider it the old person's version of a college kegger. But most of the money from tonight does go to the hospital. Otherwise my company wouldn't be involved."

"I'm sure. You're a stickler for money. I remember — you don't do anything half-assed," she giggled.

"Damn straight Miss Steele." He gave a solid whack on the behind.

"Christian," she exclaimed. "Good lord, don't do that! Have you no shame? Everyone's watching!"

"Relax baby, no one's looking," he chortled. And no, I have no shame where you're concerned.

"Ummm, actually they are," Ana said, acutely aware that every pair of eyes was on them as they strolled through the opulent ballroom. They had become the main attraction, not the jazz band on stage.

"Why is everyone staring at us?" she breathed, mortified.

"Probably because I have a beautiful woman on my arm," he shrugged.

Ana rolled her eyes. I believe it might have something to do with the tuxedo-clad billionaire who looks like he just stepped off the pages of GQ.

"Did you just roll your eyes at me Miss Steele?" he crooned, his thinly veiled threat accompanied with a rub of her backside.

"Yep," she confirmed. "And hands to yourself Grey. You deserved that eye roll. Seriously though Christian, have you really never brought a date to one of these things before?"

"Nope," he said, popping the "p" before bending down to kiss her hair. "Never did that at one of these things either." He began to laugh again.

"Christian, I don't appreciate that you seem thoroughly amused by my embarrassment," she rebuked him, withering under everyone's intense stare.

"Sorry, I can't help it." He snaked his arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him. "Relax baby, I've got you. I won't let you fall."

I'm more worried I'm going trip over my tongue than over my two left feet, although that's a distinct possibility as well. Ana glanced down to make sure she didn't stumble in the ridiculously high heels Christian had given her.

When she looked back up, she was petrified to find four dapper men and two smartly dressed women already swarming around them like vultures on a carcass.

"Grey," one of the men belted out. He had slicked-back dark hair, an average build and appeared to be in his 50s "Surprised to see you here. Don't you usually dispatch Ros to these things?"

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