Chapter 15

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Here's a somewhat fun chapter (after all, who doesn't like a jealousy-fueled lemon?) but there are some serious notes to it. I hope each chapter peels away at the layers these two characters have been hiding behind. It won't be easy — both of them are still trying to navigate this idea that they're more than just dom and sub. Christian doesn't want to be only known as her Dom, though he doesn't realize that yet. You'll also start to see that Christian in particular has problems separating his newfound caring side with his old Dom persona. Ana's depression also hasn't gone away, so that's another issue that will come up. But enjoy this break!

"The surprise is just around the corner," Christian winked, oozing excitement as he guided her down the dock.

Ana bit the inside of her cheek. She knew exactly what was around the corner but didn't want to ruin the surprise. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that when a billionaire says he has something to show you at the marina, odds are it's going to be a boat. And odds are it's going to be a big boat. But don't poop on his parade Ana. Besides, it's kind of fun to see your hard-nosed Dom act like a giddy schoolboy.

"Tah dah," he said, proudly revealing a sleek, gleaming vessel that seemed to stretch for miles as it floated on the water.

"Wow, it's huge," Ana said, feigning surprise. Yep, a big boat. In fact, it's the biggest one out here. Boys and their toys. At least I know Christian doesn't have some Napoleon complex. A devilish grin crept on her lips. I know for a fact that he's got nothing to prove when it comes to the size department.

Christian came up behind her. "Earth to Ana. What do you think?" he asked, eagerly gauging her reaction.

"Huh? Oh, it's impressive," she said, shaking off her salacious thoughts. "But then again, I'd expect nothing less from you."

He frowned. "I can't tell if that's a compliment or a backhanded slap."

Ana cringed, her inner submissive reminding her that she might've wounded Christian's ego, and overstepped her bounds — yet again.

"I'm sorry. Of course it's a compliment." She swallowed back the instinctive "Sir" that still occasionally formed on the tip of her tongue. "It's a spectacular yacht. I only meant that I didn't expect anything short of amazing from you. You're the most accomplished Dom, errr, man I know."

"Relax Ana." He cut off her prattling with a sensual shoulder massage. "You don't need to kiss my ass," he whispered, sending tingles down her spine.

But it's such a nice ass.

Christian licked the shell of her ear before nibbling on the lobe. "Something you were about to say Miss Steele?" he taunted her.

Oh shit, I'm pretty sure he just read my dirty little mind. Steer clear of the nice ass talk Ana. That might be one flirt too far. After all, we're still trying to navigate this odd "we're kinda-sorta-like a Dom/Sub" arrangement of ours — or at least I am. This man's definitely the captain of his own destiny. I'm just along for the ride.

"All I meant was that you never do anything half-assed Mr. Grey," she playfully retorted. Well, there's no harm in a little flirting.

"You are correct Miss Steele. When I see something I want, I like to give it my all. And speaking of asses," he purred, fondling hers in the process.

You stepped right into that one.

Ana stifled a moan when he reached under her shirt to caress her breast, plucking at the sensitive tip. She was so entranced by the feel of his large hands that she forgot they were still standing on a public dock — in full view of parents and their baby strollers.

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