While me and Gia sat cuddled in her bed Harry came In and said he had to leave. he walked over and kissed Gia's forehead "bye G, love you."
"Love you Harry" she said.
Harry waved and said bye then left.
I sat with Gianna in her bed with my arms wrapped around her little body. she leaned against me and held on to my arm. we both started to drift off to sleep when there was a knock at the door.
I groaned and got up to answer.
I left Gia in her bed and walked to the door. I didn't bother looking through the peephole and opened the door. what I saw shocked me.
2 cops were waiting there. "Are you Zayn Malik?"
"Uh, yes" I stumbled.
"We have some questions for you and for you're daughter."
"Um sure, I'll go wake her up.." I said. I nervously walked to Gia's room scared shitless of what was happening.
I opened the door and walked to her bed.
"Who's at the door?"
"2 police men, they want to ask us some questions. I want you to be completely honest, I don't care what they ask, you need to tell the truth. ok?"
"Ok" she said. she looked even more scared then I did. we both walked back into the living room and the policemen were standing by the couch.
"You can sit down..." I said nervously.
They sat on the couch and me and Gia sat on the couch across from them.
"We are going to ask you some questions, we need your cooperation so please answer truthfully. "
We both nodded and they started talking.
"Mr. Malik, our report says that you showed up to a household, demanded that Kayla havens opened the door, and when she didn't you let your self in. True or false?"
"False!" I said quickly.
"Our report indicates that you found Gianna, and brought her to your house against her will."
"That didn't happen" I say
"You are aware that Kayla havens has full custody of Gianna, by having Gianna here and Kayla not allowing it is breaking the law."
"I'm aware of that, yes"
"Mr. Malik, did you just admit to taking Gianna out of Kayla havens care against their will?"
"No, I said I'm aware that having Gianna here without Kayla's permission is illegal."
"Gianna, did this man come to your house and forcefully take you without your mothers permission?"
"Ok, thank you. Mr. Malik, can we speak to you privately?"
"Yes" I answered. "G, can you go in your room please?"
She nodded and left.
"Mr. Malik we have reports that you kidnapped Gianna and took her here against her and her mothers will, your story and Kayla's story don't match. we will see you in court in two days. Gianna will have to stay with Kayla until custody is changed legally."
"What?! excuse me officer, but Kayla and her boyfriend, Alex have abused Gianna for years. if you want the full story, ask me then ask Gianna, we'll tell you the same thing. ask Kayla and Alex to repeat their story and I can promise it won't be the same thing they said earlier, anyone can remember the truth, but no one can remember a lie."
"I'm sorry mr. Malik, but there is nothing we can do at this point, you will have to wait until Thursday." he said.
"Thank you officer."
"We can drive Gianna to her mothers and then give her the court date."
"Ok, thank you officer." I said.
I said I was going to get Gianna and be right out then walked to her room.
"Gia, you have to go back with your mom for two days, on Thursday we will all be at court and then after that you can come home with me. I'm really sorry honey"
"What? no, I can't, they can't make me go back, please save me dad!"
"I'm sorry Gianna, I really am, there's nothing we can do." I said while pulling her into a hug. I wrapped my arm around her back while my other hand held her head close to me.
She started to sob into me.
"C'mon G, we have to go, pack some things and they will drive you to your moms"
"I don't want to leave!" she wailed
"Shh, shh baby. you have to calm down."
I walked her out of her room while she was latched on to me.
"Please don't let me go back with my mom! please! she's going to hit me! please don't make me, please!" she begged the officers. Gianna was a mess, anyone could see that she wasn't faking it, even the officers wanted to let her stay with me.
"I'm sorry miss but by law we have to take you back to your mother's."
As they were walking out she ran back and hugged me.
I bent down and held her close.
"Just be good, do what she says and don't argue, I'll call you later, ok?"
"Ok. love you daddy"
"Love you Gianna." I let go and she walked back with the officers.
I just let her walk out the door. I just watched my daughter walk away right in front of me.

Finding My Dad
FanfictionGianna Havens. She's on a mission to find her dad. Her moms boyfriend is the devil in disguise and she wants to escape. Gianna has to know if her dad wants her or not. She has to know if her dad is the alcoholic her mom said he was. Will Gianna ever...