It's Thursday and I'm nervous. I hope my dad can have full custody of me. I don't want to look at my mom ever again. I'm afraid that something will go bad or my mom and her douche bag of a boyfriend will end up having custody of me.
The past two days have been living hell. when I got here no one talked to me, I went in my old room and it was just like I left it. my mom came up that night and screamed at me for living with my dad. she yelled at me for everything, even things I didn't do.
That night I was in the shower for a really long time. when I was done I looked at my self in the mirror. it was broken, like me.
I was wrapped in a towel getting my stuff together in the bathroom when there was a pounding on the door. It startled me. It was Alex.
"Open the goddamn door!" he boomed.
"I'm changing" I squeaked
"I don't care! open the door. I'm not going to tell you again!"
Alex has literally beaten me before, he's big and strong. I'm going to do what he said only because Zayn told me to. He said to do what they say and don't argue. I was also scared half to death because I know what he's capable of.
I opened the door while the towel was still around my body, and I poked m head through the door so he could only see my head.
"Open it all the way"
I did as told and opened it. When he saw me, he looked me up and down and said "give me the towel"
My heart stopped and dropped into the pit of my stomach.
"W-what?" I choked.
"Give me the towel" he growled
I didn't know what to do so I just stood there.
He came over and picked me up so I was standing on the counter. I held my towel up above my chest. I don't understand why I was on the counter...
Without warning, he shoved his hand in the bottom of the towel, up to my- area.
I cannot believe this was happening. I'm going to be sick.
He had an evil smirk on his face and his eyes were black with the evil that was in them.
His hand was rubbing me, touching me, feeling me. I cried and tried to push him away or get off the counter, but he stopped me with his other hand.
I was speechless. I couldn't even scream. nothing was leaving my mouth.
He used his free hand to rip the towel off my body. that's when I screamed and tried to cover my self. he used both of his hands to feel up my body. he stopped at my breasts and rubbed.
"How does this make you feel?" he whispered seductively.
"Tell me Gianna, tell me how it makes you feel." I gagged. I literally started to gag. he laughed and went back down.
He pushed one of his fingers into me and nothing could've hurt more. I screamed and he chuckled. "please. stop" I choked.
He laughed and said "you're very tight baby, relax and this will feel great."
My face grew pale and I cried and cried, begging for him to stop.
He did more awful and nasty things to me for the next hour and I have never been more embarrassed, violated, and disgusted. I threw up at least 4 times. everything hurts and I just can't believe he- never mind.
That night before I went to bed I cut. I gave my self 6 new cuts.
that's for being the cause of everything
that's for letting this happen.
For the pain I'm causing everyone
This is for being worthless
That's for being week
This is for Zayn, for him being the best dad ever.
I looked at my arms in satisfaction. It took my mind off of- yeah,...
That night I cried my self to sleep. This was exactly why I didn't want to come home. To deal with this shit. but as Alex and my mom always say, I'm worthless and only good for other peoples' use, so it's not like it matters.
On Wednesday I slept in until 2 and when I woke up i had 3 miss calls and 2 texts from my dad. I had one from my mom saying school called about attendance, so I read the details bout that, but the texts from my dad were-
Hey honey, how are you doing?
Gia? is everything ok? please answer me, I'm getting worried.
After reading the texts, I called him.
On the second ring he picked up.
"Hey sweetie, are you ok? You didn't answer me last night..."
"Yeah, I'm fine. I just got yelled at, nothing serious." I lied.
"G..." he said
"What?" I asked as innocently as I could.
"What happened last night?" he asked. the tone of his voice was stern, but caring at the same time. it killed me that I was lying to him, but I think the truth would hurt him much worse.
"Dad, I just got yelled at. they're mad at me and acting how they normally would. I swear"
"Ok, sorry babe. I'm on edge right now.."
"You and me both." I said.
I heard him laugh and I said "school called my mom today because of my attendance.."
"Gia, don't worry about it, ok? everything will be fine. We'll get everything worked out. How come you're not in school now?"
"Because I slept in till 2 and my mom never woke me up, so I guess she's not concerned with school.."
"Where is she now?"
"Work" I said.
"Can you come get me daddy?" I asked.
I heard him sigh and he said "Gia, baby, I wish I could. I want for you to be here, with me. but we have to wait."
"Daddy, I miss you. I miss you so much. I don't care if I've only known you for a week, you're the best dad ever and now I don't have anybody. everybody hates me" I weeped.
"Baby, shh. Shh baby girl. Don't cry sweetheart, please don't cry." he started.
"I'm sorry daddy. I'm so sorry." I sobbed.
"Honey, what's wrong? what's got you so upset? Why are you sorry?"
"I'm sorry daddy, so so so sorry. I lied I'm sorry." I whimpered.
Oh fuck.
I did not just say that.
But I did.

Finding My Dad
FanfictionGianna Havens. She's on a mission to find her dad. Her moms boyfriend is the devil in disguise and she wants to escape. Gianna has to know if her dad wants her or not. She has to know if her dad is the alcoholic her mom said he was. Will Gianna ever...