I woke up in my dads bed. I looked around and saw he wasn't in there, I didn't smell anything cooking either, so he couldn't be in the kitchen.
I looked at the clock beside the bed and it said "8:26"
I groaned because I knew I had to get up at some point. The pale grey walls, light wood floors and the sky light in the room was all very nice and complimented each other very well, another reason I didn't want to get up. the room was light and airy, unlike my old room and house.
I don't even want to think about that. my mom never loved me, I never really truly loved her either I guess. I want to put that behind me now, because I have a new life, with new family.
I let my body rest on the big white fluffy bed a little while longer until I heard the door open.
Dad approached the bed and swiftly put his hands under my armpits and scooped me up, onto his hip. "Morning love" he smiled while giving me a kiss on the cheek.
"Hi dad" I said.
"Hungry?" he asked. but it wasn't really a question, it was more of a 'I'm going to ask you to be nice, but you really don't have a choice'
I didn't answer, just shoved my head into his neck and whimpered a bit. the thought of food wanted to make me vomit. Who wants to eat their weight and fat? not me. I feel sick to my stomach when I eat. It just grosses me out.
"C'mon baby, lets eat, ok?" he said while trying to get me to look at him.
I didn't say anything again and let him carry me to the kitchen, otherwise known as hell.
My dad sat me down in a chair at the island and was rummaging through cabinets asking questions he knew he wasn't getting the answer to like "what do you want to eat? "pancakes sound good?" after I ignored all of the pointless questions I put my head down on the counter, in the center of my folded arms.
"Gianna, what's the matter?" he asked in a serious, father like tone.
I kept my head down and didn't say a word. I just didn't feel like it. I didn't feel like fighting with him to eat, I didn't feel like eating, then feeling sick because I ate, I'm just tired.
I felt my body being lifted up yet again, this time I latched my arms around my dad's neck and laid my head on his shoulder. "Gia" he said. I hummed in response.
"I know you don't want to eat, but you have to. It won't make you fat or ugly, you have to eat." he said in a stern yet caring voice. I didn't want to argue or cause problems, but not eating outweighed it.
"Babe, everyone has to eat, even the skinniest models eat."
"I know, but- I just don't want to. There's no way to convince my self to eat"
"Let's make a deal-" he said while looking at my head.
I looked up a little, and let my head come up off his shoulder.
"Let's eat healthy. If you eat healthy foods like fruits and vegetables you won't be eating a ton of sugar and fat, but you'd still be eating and getting vitamins into your system"
I mean fruit couldn't hurt, could it?
I didn't reply right away, I let the thought digest before I gave a reaction. it had it's pros and cons, but I mean it's healthy so it can't make me look fat, right?
"How does that sound?" he said sympathetically.
I slowly nodded my head, instantly regretting this decision.
"Good girl, baby, good girl" he cooed while kissing my head and giving me a comforting hug.
He tried setting me down, but I shook my head "can you keep holding me?" I asked shyly.

Finding My Dad
FanfictionGianna Havens. She's on a mission to find her dad. Her moms boyfriend is the devil in disguise and she wants to escape. Gianna has to know if her dad wants her or not. She has to know if her dad is the alcoholic her mom said he was. Will Gianna ever...