Chapter 6

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I tapped my pencil on my large textbook staring at the Smartboard. Someone tapped my shoulder and I looked to the right. It was a really cute boy. He handed me a note and I smiled

He had gorgeous blue eyes and brown spikey hair. I read the note and smiled.

'Hi,im Zedd. You must be new here'

I smiled an scribbled down on the scrap piece of paper.

'I'm Naomi. And yeah. Started yesterday'
I handed him the note and he smiled when he read it. "May I see your timeline?" he asked and I nodded. I grabbed my timeline and his eyes skimmed all my classes and he grinned.

"We have English, technology, Math, Science and art" he grinned and I smiled.

The class went on with Zedd making small cheesy jokes. As soon as the bell rang I collected my notebook,folder and pencil along with Zedd. Nialls eyes burned into my back as Zedd and I walked to science. "So do you and Niall have like a thing...going on?" he asked. "No, no of course not. He took me to a party yesterday and practically locked me in a bathroom" I muttered. "Oh" his voice softened. "Luckily he didn't hurt you" he smiled and I flushed.
"Yeah" I mumbled as we walked into the class. Niall walked ahead into the class next door which was technology.
"Bye Demi" I grinned waving her off. "Bye girly, text me later" she waved and I nodded. I began walking towards my car when I saw Zedd walking towards me.

"Hey I was just wondering if you wanted to go to the movies with me and a couple other friends later" he asked hope clear in his eyes. "Sure, who's going?" I asked. "Niall, Kyle, Meg, May,and I" he grinned. "Okay sure" I smiled. "Cool,ill pick you up at 6:45?" He asked and I nodded scribbling my address down on a small piece of paper handing it to him.

"Alright. I guess I'll see you later" I grinned "definitely" he nodded. I slipped into my car as he walked away. Zedd was just plain amazing! he was so kind and definitely handsome. I turned my car on and quickly sped off home.

As soon as I arrived I headed to the kitchen. 'Mom?' I called out. 'She already left' my brother,Adam popped up. 'Where?' I asked. 'She went out to look for a job' he shrugged. "Oh" I mumbled grabbing a can of Pepsi and a bag of Doritos.

Adam was 17,just a year younger he had bright green eyes like me and he had dirty blonde ruffly/spikey hair. He was about an inch taller then me even though I'm older.
"Mom bought you a new phone, here ya go" he said handing me a white iPhone 5. I shrieked grabbing it and grinning. "Thanks" I chirped running upstairs.

"Adam,im going now" I yelled out to "bye! be careful!" he shouted. I was wearing a grey tight cropped shirt with maroon skinny jeans and my grey TOMS.

I walked out and spotted Zedd's white BMW. He smiled and opened the passenger door for me. "Thank you" I chirped and slipped in. He jogged to his side and quickly sped off. "Hi, I'm Kyle" a voice hoped behind me. "I'm Naomi" I smiled. "I'm Zedds brother" he smiled and I smiled to. Zedd placed his hand over mine and rubbed my knuckles.

"Niall will meet us there and meg and may also" he nodded and I nodded back.

So!! tell me how you guys like it so far! ad Zedd will be playing himself. Barbara Palvin plays Naomi

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