Chapter 7

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Nialls P.O.V

I quickly drained every ounce of blood in the girl's body. I was starving! I took my fangs out of her neck and dropped her lifeless body on the ground.
So you guessed it right.
I'm a vampire.

Half this town is full of vampires. Well less then half but there are a lot. I quickly cleaned my mouth and sped off to my car seeing that it was already 6:50. Meg and May were waiting in the back. They were also vampires. "Was it fun?' May smirked. "Yeah" I muttered speeding off

Naomi's P.O.V
"What's taking them so long?!" Zedd groaned pacing back and fourth. It was almost 7:10, the movie starts at 7:15. "Let's just go get our tickets, maybe they'll show up later' Kyle shrugged. "Fine" Zedd mumbled. He placed his hand on my lower back making me feel a little uncomfortable, yet warm. We walked inside to the line and waited a while. "What movie are we watching?" I asked looking up to Zedd. "I don't know, rush hour or grudge 3?" He asked. "Grudge 3!" I chirped. "Okay' he chuckled and I grinned. My phone buzzed and I grabbed it from my back pocket seeing it was a text from my mom.
Mommy❤:Hey sweetie, Adam told me you went to the movies. What time will you be home?
I looked up and saw that Kyle and Zedd were asking for the tickets

To Mommy❤:around 9:45 maybe I still don't know

I pressed sent and joined Kyle and Zedd. "There they are" Kyle breathed out pointing to a car outside. Niall walked out with 2 girls behind him. Immediately a pang of jealousy hit me as he wrapped his arm around the girl with bright red hair, it hurt my eyes. She was smacking on her gum like a cow which made me roll me eyes.

"Naomi..this is Meg and May" zed gestures towards the two girls. So Meg was her name.

"Hi! I'm May like Zedd just said" May chirped sticking her hand out. I shook it and smiled. She had black hair with brown highlights. She was gorgeous! "lets go! get your tickets, the movie starts in 2" Zedd mumbled. "What movie?" Meg said a bit loudly making me scrunch my nose. "The grudge 3" Kyle rolled his eyes. They nodded and walked to the line. 'Lets go get our seats" Zedd said to Kyle and I. We walked to the large screen room handing the lady our tickets. We sat in the very back, Kyle in the very corner, Zedd to his right. I was sitting right next to Zedd and there was 4 empty seats next to me so Niall,Meg,and May can fill those up.

About 5 minutes into the movie a figure sat down next to me. I looked and it was Niall along with the 2 girls. "Here ya go, I bought snacks for everyone" he handed me a medium size soda and a large size of popcorn a so I could share with Zedd I guess. He handed joe on for himself then one for the 2 girls and the last one was for himself. "Thanks" I whispered back and he nodded.

I hid deeper into Zedds chest as the part were the really cute guy is in the bathroom and the grudge was trying to kill him in the tub.

(A/N I think that's how it goes. I don't really remember)

Zedd chuckled at my reaction kissing my forehead. Throughout the movie Niall would randomly make out with Meg and I know he only does it to make me jealous but I just find It hilarious. There was about 20 minutes left of the movie and I really had to pee. "I'll be back in a minute" I whispered to Zedd and he nodded. I slipped my phone into my back pocket and walked to the bathroom.

I did my business washed my hands and read a missed text from my mom.

From Mommy❤:Okay sweetie,I'll leave you dinner in the oven. Be careful. I love you.

I smiled messaging her back.

To Mommy❤:Okay mom, love you to.

(A/N I actually do have my mom as that in my contacts :3)

I pressed sent and walked back to the screen room sitting back down.

I didn't really pay attention the rest of the movie. I was way to scared to watch the rest. When I took a quick glance at Niall he had Meg on his lap as he furiously made out with her. I rolled my eyes scooting closer to Zedd.

By the time the movie finished I was exhausted. I stood up stretching a little. Zedd wrapped his arm around my waist and I smiled. We walked outside, it had gotten really chilly. I was really stupid to not bring a sweater. Zedd shrugged his sweater off placing it over me an I smiled. "Thank you" I smiled. "It's no problem" he assured me. "Meg" Niall growled right behind me pushing her against the brick wall kissing at her neck. 'Play along' Zedd whispered to me and I nodded.

What he did next was definitely not expected. He lightly pushed me against the wall planting his lips on mine. His lips were so soft and smooth. He traced his tongue over my bottom lip and I granted him access. I softly moaned as our tongues twisted together. He cupped the back of my thighs making me wrap my legs around his waist. "Are you guys having a make out contest or what?" Kyle snapped.

I opened my eyes just a tiny bit so I had at least a blurry view of Niall. He had pulled away from Meg. He was glaring at us and a small smile was placed on my lips. Zedd and I pulled away a little breathless. "That was.. amazing" he breathed. I think he took it more then just to piss Niall off but I enjoyed it. "Yeah" I nodded.

He carefully set me down and we walked towards his BMW but he was tackled to the ground making me gasp. Niall was on top of him throwing punches like crazy.

Zedd flipped them over and began throwing even more punches then Niall. "Stop!" I screamed grabbing Zedds hand from throwing one more punch. His knuckles had small cuts on them. He threw a last punch which made me jump a little. "Please... stop" I softly pleaded he stood up and I looked over to Niall who had a busted lip and bloody nose but he didn't seem to be in pain.

He stood up carelessly like nothing had just happened and walked away.

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