one - 20 ғeeт away

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Being a famous foreign model in South Korea was never really part of your plan, nor did you expect to be at a celebrity party standing not even 20 feet away from your bias Im Jaebum.

How the hell did this happen?

You became a model in New York after your friends kept nagging you about how tall you were and how you'd be able to become a model so quick because you fit all the requirements.

It was never really part of your plan but you had no clue what you'd want to major in at college so you decided to just go for it.

You became a model soon after. Became well known around most of America and a few other countries.

You never thought that talking about your love for Kpop on interviews would make all your fans get into kpop, causing kpop to become more known around other countries, which then resulted in underrated groups to become more famous as well. You weren't trying to brag but you helped open a lot of international fans eyes into the kpop world. It's indeed a very beautiful world filled with gorgeous Korean girls and hot ass Korean guys.

South Korean entertainment companies contacted you and thanked you for all the recognization you had given to kpop and idols. It was an amazing moment in your life, and it got even more amazing when you got modeling offers IN South Korea.

It had always been your dream to one day visit South Korea and you were finally going to.

You hadn't intended on staying longer than a month, but here you were three months later at a huge celeb party.

You became close friends with Pentagon's Kino after doing a couple photoshoots together, and he invited you to attend. You knew he was really good friends with Yugyeom and were panicking at the thought that Got7 would most likely show up.

It was a fancy party, everyone was dressed in dresses and suits. You looked down at your red gown and smiled. Even though you always hated dresses, being a model, you had grown into actually finding them quite beautiful to wear.

"Yugyyyy!" Kino yelled with his hands in the air.

You quickly looked up to see 7 guys entering into the hall, and that's when you saw him. Im Jae Bum.

He was everything you imagined and more. Handsome, for sure. His dark hair slicked back, his bow tie perfectly straight. He walked with such manliness, his smile bright as he greeted everyone around him. You didn't want to stare but you couldn't help it. He was your ultimate bias, the man of your dreams. As much as you didn't want to admit it, you were in love with a kpop idol that didn't even know you exist. You had been single forever, but your heart belonged to this man, and this man only.

Yes, you considered yourself a bit crazy, well more like extremely crazy. Obsessed maybe.

And here you were, not even 20 feet away from the man of your dreams. You watched as he continued to greet everyone with his members following along. It still had not fully hit you that you were in South Korea, at a party filled with kpop idols and most importantly, him.

Meeting Im Jaebum (Jaebum x Reader)  [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now