eιgнт - нιgн нeelѕ and ѕweaт

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The next couple of days were pretty quiet and less exciting. You had tried on about twenty different outfits for that photoshoot and as much as you wanted to remain professional, you were extremely exhausted.

"That's a wrap! You did great Y/N."

You were so thankful after hearing that and headed to your change room. Your manager had a huge smile on her face as you entered the room and you had never seen her so happy before.

"I have good news! There is a small runway fashion show here in Seoul next month and they want you to be apart of it."

Instead of jumping up and down with her like she'd expected you sat down and sighed.

"No no, I have hardly any experinece in runway modeling I can't do that," you panicked.

"Don't worry you have a whole month to practice your runway walk and JYP said you were more than welcome to practice at the studio!"

"What if I'm still not good enough?"

She patted your shoulder and sat down next to you. "Practice first and then if you don't think you will be ready, we can just decline it's no problem."

It was great news indeed, moving up such a high level already but you were never very good at runway modeling. You preferred fashion and adverstisment photoshoots instead. Walking in high ass heels infront of a bunch of fashion and model critiques made your stomach go in knots but maybe a month was good enough for you to become better.

Practicing at home was not good at all since you couldn't even see yourself enough in the tiny mirror to know whether you looked great or just plain awkward.

"You can just practice your walk in the dance studio, great big mirrorrs," your manager said, "I got an approval from the company so you're all good to do so."

You decided to go late at night knowing that no JYP related artists would be practicing at that time.

But you were wrong. There was of course one person who just had to be there at the same exact time as you.

Sweat trickeled down his forehead, his black tank sticking to his skin as he moved around perfectly making sure to get every single move right. His eyes were shut closed as if to feel the music with his body and soul.

You planned to leave as soon as you saw him there but in that moment you couldn't help but stare in awe. It was a beautiful view, he was so hardworking and determined and a wonderful leader for his group.

That's when the music stopped and he opened his eyes. You had no time to get the hell out of there as his eyes made eye contact with yours, confusion written on his beautiful face. His eyes trailed down and stopped at your hand нoldιng your high heels.

"I'm sorry I didn't think anyone would be here, I just had to. . . um practice. . . I will just leave though," you stuttered and turned back towards the door.

"No need."

You paused and turned back around. He wiped the sweat off his face with a white towel and drank water.

"I don't want to bother y-"

"-Just stay on your side and I'll stay on my side," and with that he turned the music back on and returned to dancing from the top.

Slipping the tall heels on you stood up and nearly fell. Thankfully his eyes were closed and you felt much more comfortable knowing he wasn't looking at you. He probably wouldn't even care to anyways, you were invisible to him it seemed.

Even though you were a model you were never a fan of heels, and especially ones as tall as these. You calves already hurt and you hadn't even moved from your spot yet, but you needed to do good at the show in order to make a better name for yourself. Runway modeling was a huge important step for your career.

Trying not to get distracted by him and his dancing you looked directly at yourself in the mirror and took a deep breath preparing yourself for the failure that was to come.

Taking slow and steady steps you tried your best to keep the proper posture by spreading your arms out and making a straight invisible line on the floor following it carefully.

It became easier and easier every step. Going back and forth you continued to practice, the music helping even more with your confidence and posing.

He finished his dance and took a gulp of water again. You stopped walking as you could feel his eyes on you now.

"What?" you tried to ignore the nervousness in your voice as you asked.

"Your posture is terrible."

Sighing heavily you hated yourself for thinking he'd say something nice but instead he says that. Unbelieveable.

His stomach growled but you noticed how he ignored it and sat down on the computer.

"When did you eat?" you blurted out.

"Didn't you say you didn't want to be a bother. . . well you're doing exactly that."

Removing your heels, you were so eager to just throw one at him because of all his rude remarks but instead you just sighed and walked towards him grabbing the unopened bottle to take a sip.

Now that you were much closer to him you once again could hear the growling from his stomach.

"I'm heading to the convience store to grab you something to eat, your stomach will thank me later."

You could hear him saying something behind you but you had already walked out the cool breezy night. You realized you had completely forgotten to cover your identity but it was night and quiet and it probably wouldn't of mattered.

The store was a close walking distance so you hurried up, the cold wind hitting your exposed arms.

I really should have gotten a jacket.

You felt your hairs on the back of your neck stand up and your body shiver. A creepy feeling ran down your spine as you could feel someone was following you.

You arrived at the well-lit store and ran inside quickly feeling safe again.

"Are you crazy?"

The sound of the familiar voice made you turn around quickly. Jaebum stood infront of you in one of the aisles with a black hood over his head.

"I'm not crazy you are. You don't just dance all night on barely any food you could pass out any minute. Is that what you want?" you argued trying to not yell as the old lady in the cashier stared.

"My life doesn't concern you in any way," he argued back and turned away.

You ignored him and continued shopping, grabbing some ramen and boxed meals.

As you headed to the cashier, she greeted you with a smile. Before you could pull out the money and pay her his hand grabbed your wrist. He handed his own to the cashier and grabbed the bag and walked back outside.

He no longer headed back to the studio and went to the dorms. You followed further back. It was nearly 1a.m. and you were glad he was no longer heading back to practice but instead he could rest. 

Meeting Im Jaebum (Jaebum x Reader)  [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now