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    You were told to not make any comments and quickly got inside the vehicle as it drove off from the large crowd.

  "Are you alright miss?" the driver asked. He was a young handsome man.
  You weren't really sure what you were even feeling in that moment. Mostly just confusion but you nodded anyway and rested your head on the window, breathing in and out to avoid any sort of stress of all the questions running through your head.

  You noticed how he kept looking in the rearview mirror to make sure you were alright. Handing you a bottle of cold water when the car stopped at the traffic lights.

  "Thank you but who are you?" you asked politely.

  He laughed a bit and smiled. "I'm officially your driver and bodygaurd.  Nice to meet you Miss Y/LN."

   Driver and bodygaurd? Had you really reached that level of fame to have your own Chauffeur and bodyguard.

  "You can call me Mr. Park."

  He was nice, polite and handsome so you had no reason to complain really. He opened the door for you and shielded your body as he directed you the the dorm doors. A few reports stalked around but not as close as last time. They took pictures from afar but you just put your head down and walked inside. 

  As you reached your door he followed you all the way. "I'll wait out here. Please change and come back out. JYP needs to speak to you privately."

  Your heart dropped. What if you got fired? Maybe he'd blame you for all these dating rumors that you still had no idea where they came from.  

  You got changed and got back into the vehicle. Pulling out your phone you went on Naver and sure enough the first news to show up was the dating rumors.

Your hands shook as you slowly convinced yourself to click and look at the page.

  "Im Jae Bum and Y/F/N dating?!"


  As you scrolled down slowly the first image caught your eye. Two dark figures standing on the sidewalk. Even though you knew it was you and Jaebum when you saw him out that night and he pushed you against the wall, in the image it was impossible to tell who the people were since you were both covering your identities.

  This would be easy to explain since there was no clear proof.

  That changed as you continued to scroll down, there you two were near the elevator doors of the dorms, Jaebum handing you the groceries you had left in the elevator. The suspicious man you had seen in the elevator must of taken the photo.

  More photos appeared. You in the convenience store with a him in his hood hiding his face but the other image showed you two clearly, his hand grabbing your wrist as he stopped you from paying and paid himself, his face clearly exposed as he was facing the angle that the photo was taken from. Photos of you coming in and out of the dance room right after he had went in as well.

  From any other persons perspective it did seem suspicious and as if you two had something going on, but you knew that it was all a misunderstanding. The only problem was that no one would believe you.

  You arrived at JYP's office door pausing to take a long deep breath before finally knocking and allowing yourself inside.

  Jaebum sat there, his head in his palm. Hearing the door he looked up and away again.

  "Please have a seat," JYP spoke first.

  You sat down slowly on the chair next to Jaebum's. He continued to look at JYP and avoid any eye contact with you but you could understand that it must of been extremely awkward for him too.

  "I'm sure you both already know why you're here. Before I begin I have one question; are the rumors true?"

  "No way," Jaebum blurted out before you even had time to fully hear the question. Harsh.

  "No," you spoke much quieter.

  "Alright we were going to go ahead and deny the rumors but we noticed the peoples reactions."

  You both looked at him confused.
  "Apparently it seems that many people and fans are happy for you two. We've gotten a lot of positive feedback especially from international fans," he paused and smiled. "They say it's really good to finally see a Kpop Idol dating someone who isn't Korean as well. . . They've even started some 'ship' thing whatever that means but it's a good thing."

  "And? What does all this mean?" Jaebum asked as you remained quiet.

  People actually liked us together and shipped us. Wow.

  "Well you've both gotten a lot of more recognition because of this rumor so the company and I was thinking that you should both confirm the rumors," he said proudly.

  "Um. . . but we're obviously not dating." Jaebum said a bit harshly.

  "Right, but you can pretend to be, at least for a couple months and then you both can 'break up'. This would be great recognition for both of your careers. This is how business works."

   This is not at all how you imagined things to turn out.


Meeting Im Jaebum (Jaebum x Reader)  [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now