seventeen - couple photoshoot

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     "Are you excited to be working with your boyfriend?!" Hana squealed first thing next morning.

   If you were being honest, you were freaking out! The idea of having to pretend to be a couple in front of a bunch of photographers and directors had you feeling super anxious. You would be told how to pose and such from the crew but the thought of you and Jaebum touching and being that close sent shivers down your spine. You had seen many of his photoshoots but they were either with his members or of just him, nothing involving a girl or anything with a romantic concept.

    "Stop referring to him as my "boyfriend." We both know that isn't the case," you sighed.

    "Just give it time," she winked and you looked at her confused.

   "So first you have a fashion photoshoot with a famous fashion brand where you'll be advertising matching couple outfits,"

   "Couple outfits? Oh god that is so cringey."

   "Oh shut up! It's totally cute!"

  You laughed at how excited she was about this whole thing while you were literally having a mental breakdown. Couple outfits though? You had however noticed that you and Jaebum had similar taste in fashion which maybe would make the situation less awkward. . . or not.


   When you arrived to the set you were surprised to find Jaebum already there getting his hair and makeup done.

   You noticed his eyes in the mirror looking at you as the stylists greeted you and sat you down to get ready. One of the girls had a big smile on her face and kept looking back and forth towards the both of you before finally speaking.

   "You two are perfect for each other. A handsome Kpop idol and a beautiful model!"

   "Oh thank you," you tried not to sound awkward even though that's exactly how you felt. None of these people had any clue that this whole 'relationship' was fake which made things even more difficult.

   Jaebum got up and headed to the dressing room without saying a word but you were used to it.

    "What's he like? As a boyfriend I mean." the girl doing your makeup asked.

  The question made you pause but you put on a fake smile and nodded. "He's. . ." if you had to be completely honest you had no idea what he was like. "-He's great, very kind," those words tasted bitter in your mouth because they weren't true. He wasn't exactly the kindest person, at least not always, but lately he had became a bit warm and caring.

   "We need her ready in 5 minutes please."

    They hurried up and soon you were ready and in your first outfit. It was cute; a off the shoulder black and white striped top with a tight black skirt.

   You saw him standing there wearing a very similar outfit expect the top was more manly of course and black jeans with knee slits. It seemed like an outfit he would usually wear.

    "Alright Y/N please come stand next to him and first we'll just have you two not making any poses just stand straight to showcase the outfits," you did exactly that.

    It was going alright until the photographer wanted you both to come closer and look more like a "couple".

   "Jaebum, can you hold her hand,"

   There it is. Let the awkwardness begin. You could feel his hesitation and then you felt his warm hand intertwined with yours. Your hands fit perfectly together but you tried not to think about it too much.

   "Okay now Jaebum just look down at her with a loving smile, Y/N just smile at the camera."

   Smiling seemed very difficult all of a sudden as you felt his stare on you. In that moment your breath hitched in your throat and your heart raced.

   "Y/N, are you okay sweetie?" the photographer asked. You had probably appeared insane frozen in place like that like an idiot.

   "Ah yes sorry," you faked a smile as the flashing of the camera continued.

   Many outfit changes later it was finally coming to an end.

    "Alright a bit more. I need you both to turn and look at each other," you both obeyed, "Perfect, now just come closer and Jaebum place your hand over her waist, Y/N your hand on his arm and just look at each other, I want to feel the tension and the love from just your eyes connecting.

    His hand came over your waist and you felt the sudden pull as your body came extremely close to his. He was indeed a natural at pretending with all his acting experience and all.

     You could feel his warm breath hit your face as you stood just a bit too close. You finally met his eyes and hoped he could not hear the loud sound of your heart literally beating out of your chest as his nose touched yours.

   "Perfect, perfect! That's beautiful guys."

"I'm sorry you have to do this," you whispered as your face remained just centimeters away.

He didn't respond though, just continued looking at you and following the photographers orders.

"You must be feeling very lucky being so close to someone like me," he whispered back with a slight narcissistic smirk.

"Wow, don't flatter yourself, you're the one whose lucky," you had no idea where that smart ass remark came from but it had him chuckling.

"Alright you love birds, now you can take control and I'm leaving it on the both of you. Just be yourselves. But keep it PG please," the photographer joked and that had you moving your face away quickly.

You both remained still not really sure what to do.

"Come on don't be shy, just be a happy couple."

Happy couple my ass.

In that moment you were completely taken back at the sudden occurrence. Strong arms came around your body from behind embracing you tightly and then you felt something soft against your cheek.

A kiss.

Meeting Im Jaebum (Jaebum x Reader)  [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now