fourteen - cheated

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     "Hey! I'm here to talk to you about your schedule for the next couple of weeks."

    Hana, your manager, met with you at your favorite coffee shop that next morning. You had a photoshoot in a couple hours so you wanted to hang out with Hana for the remaining time.

    "JYP really wants you and Jaebum to have a couples photoshoot!" she squealed.

    Oh dear god.

   "I don't know, is that really necessary?"

   She looked at you as if you had just called puppies ugly which made you laugh.

    "Why wouldn't you want to have a photoshoot with your boyfriend? It would be so cute and romantic OMG!"

   The truth was Hana hadn't known that the relationship was fake. She seemed so hyped and happy for you when she found out the news and you didn't know how to tell her.

    "I can already imagine all the beautiful pictures. People would love them!"

   "Not everyone trust me."

   "Oh fuck the haters."
You had never expected to hear her cuss and in that moment her eyes went wide as she realized and you both laughed.

   "I need to tell you something . . ." she nodded for you to continue. You got closer and whispered in case someone in the cafe heard. "The relationship isn't real, it's an act for publicity."

      "What?!" she screamed and everyone in the coffee shop turned to look as she placed a hand over her mouth.
    "What do you mean? You two are so cute!" she whispered now.

   "Oh trust me it's fake, and besides Jaebum hates my guts, he'd never actually date me," you confessed as she frowned.

    "What the hell? Why would he hate you! Well fuck him too he wouldn't deserve you anyway."

     You were surprised to have her on your side but it was nice, now she truly felt like your best friend. You had said goodbye to all your friends back home so it was really nice to finally make a close friend in a new country. It was comforting knowing someone had your back.

    "How about after my photoshoot we can  go to my place and have a little sleepover like we're teenagers again?" you asked. You wanted to spend some time with her and get to know her more because she was an amazing person that stuck by your side even if she only did it because it was her job.

    "Oh my god! Really?" she smiled widely and that made you so happy knowing she also wanted to hang out with you. "We could order food and watch movies and dramas and gossip about boys!" you both laughed and agreed.

    The photoshoot went fine as usual but you couldn't wait to go home and rest. Hana stood watching and cheering you on as you finished.

   "The photos came out great like always! Also I forgot my bag at the JYP studio, can we stop by and get it?"

   "Of course no problem."

  You entered the studio and she went to find her bag. Looking at the dance studio door you couldn't help but want to check if Jaebum was having another one of his late nights. You hoped he had had dinner before overworking himself.

    Taking a peek at the little window on the door you were taken back at the sight. You didn't know why, but you felt cheated.

   Stop it! The relationship is fake. He can do whatever he wants.

   There he stood, his body close to a pretty females, his hand on her small waist as they swayed to the music together.


Meeting Im Jaebum (Jaebum x Reader)  [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now