two » i must not tell lies

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Melanie knocked on the door of Dolores Umbridge's office later that evening. After hearing a mumble that sounded like a "come in," Melanie slowly opened the door.

Harry Potter was already inside, looking quite angry. Actually, not just 'quite' angry, he looked like he was about to burst of anger. It was like smoke was coming out of his ears.

Melanie sat down, taking a look at Harry Potter. She only gave him a curt nod. Harry Potter was apparently a dangerously stupid person. At least, that was what Melanie's father had told her.

"You can take your seat here, Miss Avery," the Pink Devil, a nickname Melanie had came up with in class earlier today, said. "I'm going to have you write some lines, today. As that is the only way you will learn your lesson, and you will both be using very special quills of mine."

A black quill with quite a sharp tip was placed in front of the two students. After waiting for ink, Potter spoke up.

"Professor, you haven't given us any ink," he stated in a confused voice.

As Umbridge said that they won't be needing ink, a light flashed in Melanie's mind. This was the blood quill. The blood quill Umbridge invented herself. The quill that used the writer's blood as ink. The quill that scarred the writers hand as they wrote.

Melanie looked up at the Professor as Harry started writing I must not tell lies.

"Isn't this... illegal?" She asked slowly and reluctantly.

"What is illegal, dear?" Umbridge repeated in a fake voice with a look that said she was concerned for Melanie's health. "This is just a quill. A rather special quill, but a quill either way. How can a quill possibly be illegal?" She gave Melanie a hard pat on the shoulder as if to say, 'Start writing'.

With every letter, both Melanie and Harry let out pained groans as the words I must not tell lies scarred on their left hands.

When Umbridge had decided this much was enough, Harry and Melanie were dismissed to go back to their Common Rooms at midnight. Harry and Melanie looked at the scars on their left hands and met each other's eyes with mirrored looks of shock, surprise and a little bit of fear. They were both too shocked at what had happened to speak of it.

Melanie didn't say anything else before making her way down to the Dungeons.

Melanie was met with Amelia lying down on the couch in front of the fireplace in the Slytherin Common Room, fast asleep. Melanie felt warmth radiate through her body as she smiled at a sleeping Amelia.

Melanie pointed her wand at Amelia, lifting her and setting her onto her bed in the girls' dorm. Melanie tucked her sleeping friend in and walked back into to the Common Room and sat on a couch overlooking the inside of the Great Lake.

While most would complain that the Common Room didn't have any windows that saw the sky, Melanie loved that the windows saw the inside of the Great Lake. The greenish water was decorated by all sorts of fish, magical or not. Several starfish were stuck to the windows, and mean first and second years would often try to get them off, but after a word from the Head Boy or Girl, they would leave the starfish be. Fish and other sea creatures would pass by in brilliant, vibrant colours, leaving all the Slytherins amazed by the beauty. Rarely, merpeople would hang around the windows and try to converse with the students. That was why each student learnt sign language, and soon enough the merpeople would learn it too, which made communication easier. In some extraordinary cases, the Giant Squid would pass by the windows, and every student (first year or seventh, it didn't matter) would watch it with amusement, wondering how a creature could be so large.

Maybe they weren't in a tower or weren't right next to the Kitchens, but Slytherin had secrets no one except themselves knew about.

"What are you doing up this late, Avery?" Draco Malfoy asked her, raising his eyebrow. Melanie jumped slightly at the sudden sound.

"I could ask you the same thing, Malfoy," she replied, not even looking up from the beautiful view of the lake.

"I woke up to you banging the door shut. Don't you know how to be quiet when people are sleeping?" He seemed to be challenging her as she just yawned.

"Speaking of sleep, I better go to bed, tomorrow is a school day." Melanie tried to change the subject but Draco just laughed.

"Not until you tell me why you were out so late, Avery," said the blond boy.

"Well, for your information, I was in detention with the Pink Devil." She rolled her eyes, remembering Umbridge's annoying voice.

"Pink Devil?"

"It's my nickname for Umbridge, our so-called 'Professor.'" Melanie rolled her eyes once more as Draco's face turned serious.

"By the way, Avery, it was very brave, what you said about him," he whispered the last part. Melanie was surprised Draco Malfoy could say something like that, did it count as a compliment?

"But I guess I won't be saying anything like that after tonight." Melanie immediately regretted what she said, because it only brought more questions.

"What do you mean? After tonight?" Draco narrowed his eyes, waiting for Melanie's reply.

"Nothing— Nothing happened. Don't worry." Melanie could almost see the ideas brewing behind his grey eyes, mostly bad.

"Tell me, Melanie Avery." He had said her full name, which made Melanie sure he wasn't going to drop this easily.

"Just drop it, Draco Malfoy." The full name game? Two can play there.

"Tell me or I'll tell the whole school you're a Death Eater," he taunted, knowing she would give in.

"They won't believe you." Melanie knew they would, but she wasn't going to give in this fast. Her inner Gryffindor was showing.

"Of course they will. Your father is a Death Eater, and your grandfather was one of the first. So to cut it short, they will definitely believe me." He was being arrogant once again.

Melanie thought about it for a moment.

"Fine. I'll tell you." She lifted her left hand into his sight, showing the fresh red scar.

"She did this to you?!" Draco took her hand into his, examining the scar. His mind drifted to his Aunt Bellatrix and how she liked to use the Cruciatus Curse on anyone who got on her nerves.

"Yeah..." Melanie replied, looking at the scar. "Wait, no, her quill did this."

"What do you mean?"

"She has a blood quill." After getting a blank look, Melanie continued. "It writes with the writer's blood instead of ink, so it kind of writes on the writer's hand. If you write a specific thing too much, it starts to scar. The Pink Devil had us write lines so it started to scar pretty quickly."

"Isn't that illegal?" Draco asked, his brows furrowed.

"That's what I said! But she pretended to not know what I was talking about. Ugh, she frustrates and annoys me so much." Melanie groaned, not even wanting to think about the pathetic excuse for a teacher.

And so, the two that didn't know each other at midnight, became somewhat friends by sunrise. But all of that was about to change.

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