twenty-two » being wise isn't my strong suit

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After sleeping for what seemed like a long time, Melanie felt refreshed, relaxed and ready to start her day. Today there was Divination, so she would be seeing the new Divination professor for the first time. This professor was Melanie's only hope, she hoped they were a good teacher, whoever it was.

"Come on, Mel! Breakfast is about to end! Honestly, you don't need this much sleep," said Amelia, pulling Melanie up from her bed.

"Okay, calm down, woman!" Melanie stood up and put on her uniform and tried to fix her unruly curly hair.

"You look fine," said Amelia, rolling her eyes. "Now come on!"

The two friends ran up to the Great Hall. Amelia was still pulling a lagging Melanie, who was wondering when her friend got this fast. Probably because of practising Quidditch. Was Melanie really this inactive?

They arrived at the Great Hall and quickly sat down next to their friends. Everybody was talking about who the new Divination teacher might be.

"I'm hoping they were from Slytherin," said someone.

"I really hope they don't kiss Potter's arse like every other teacher," said another person.

Everybody laughed, including Melanie. Some people turned to look, it wasn't usual that the whole Slytherin table was laughing together.

"Why do they stare every time any sort of sound comes from our table?" Amelia whispered into Melanie's ear.

"No idea, I guess they still think we're all evil," she replied with an annoyed expression.

"It's so stupid, honestly." Amelia shook her head, eyeing the other houses. "How can a whole house be evil?"

Melanie rolled her eyes and started eating her breakfast. Seeing that Amelia hadn't started eating and was talking to her brother, Melanie tapped on her shoulder.

"Start eating, the bell's going to ring and you're not going to be able to eat until lunch," she said, looking at the time.

Amelia nodded and slowly started eating her porridge, still talking to Theodore.

Soon enough, after Melanie had finished and Amelia hadn't, the bell rang and all the food disappeared. Amelia groaned while Melanie smirked.

"Told you so."

"Shut up!"

The girls laughed and walked to the Divination classroom with their housemates.

The topic of conversation was still the new Divination teacher, who wasn't anywhere to be seen when they got up to the classroom.

There was a sign on the door that said 'The Divination classroom has been moved to Classroom Eleven.'

"Classroom Eleven?" said Draco with a scoff. "Is there even such a classroom?"

"Yes," said someone from behind. "It's close to the Great Hall, though it hasn't been used in years."

"What's Dumbledore doing?" said someone else. "The old man's gone mental!"

The group walked down the stairs, huffing. They all walked all the way back to the ground floor to find Classroom Eleven.

"Found it!" said Daphne Greengrass, opening an old door.

Classroom Eleven was a room that seemed to be taken out of the Forbidden Forest. The floor was covered in moss, there were trees and there seemed to be a type of coldness radiating through the room. And the smell... Oh, the smell was absolutely horrible. Melanie even thought of skipping class, just so she didn't have to endure the horrible smell.

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