seven » the letter

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Finally, Halloween arrived and all of Slytherin house decided not to go Hogsmeade. This year, Halloween was on a Saturday so the Head Boy and Head Girl, along with a few more students decided the whole house would stay up and do activities.

The first, second, and third years decided they would watch Muggle horror movies. The fourth years, along with some fifth and seventh years decided they would scare the Gryffindors, after all it was Halloween. And the rest of the fifth and sixth years decided to make s'mores and play a classic game of truth or dare.

Everybody was buzzing with excitement as the Common Room got decorated with pumpkins, and sweets were placed in every corner. Professor Snape knew the plans, he was okay with it as long as nobody made too much sound.

"I'm so excited for tonight!" Daphne said at breakfast. The whole Slytherin table was chattering about their plans as the other houses were surprised and confused by all the cheer radiating through the Slytherin side of the Great Hall.

"Tonight is going to be epic," said Blaise, rubbing his hands together. "Those Gryffindors won't know what hit them."

Blaise was apart of the group of students that were going to scare Gryffindors that night and he had been planning it for days.

"You've gotta tell us when it's done," Pansy Parkinson said, who was sitting next to him at breakfast.

"Melanie." Amelia nudged her friend, who was in the middle of eating some porridge. "Your owl is coming."

Melanie looked up and saw Leila, her grey Barn Owl flying towards her. The owl dropped an envelope and that months issue of the Quibbler onto Melanie's lap and flew off.

"It's from my parents," said Melanie, looking at the envelope.

"You'll read that later." Amelia put the envelope into her friend's pocket and took the Quibbler from Melanie's hand. "What's this?"

"It's a magazine type thing I like to read, Luna Lovegood's father publishes it," Melanie explained.

"Loony Lovegood?" Pansy asked in a amused way. "Why would you read something that nutter's father publishes?"

Melanie stayed silent, not wanting to let her anger get the best of her as Pansy continued making fun of Luna.

"You don't even know her," Melanie defended Luna.

"Yeah, well, I know her enough. I mean, have you seen the things she wears?" Pansy kept making fun of Luna, not noticing that Melanie nearly had smoke coming out of her ears from rage.

"You should really shut up before I knock your teeth in, Parkinson." Melanie threatened as the food on the tables disappeared and she left the Great Hall, leaving her group of friends to stare in shock from behind her.

"Like she could punch me," Pansy laughed, causing Amelia to elbow her in the stomach and get up to follow her best friend.

"Melanie, are you okay?" Amelia asked her friend who was seated at the top of the Central Tower, a place Melanie loved to come to when she was feeling down. Melanie was admiring the view in silence.

"I'm fine," she replied without looking away from the view. "I just wanted to be alone for a bit."

"Is it okay if I sit too?" Amelia asked hopefully.

"Go ahead." The two friends sat in silence for a while, gathering their thoughts.

"I'm so afraid for the O.W.Ls," Amelia whispered, laying her head on Melanie's shoulder. "Especially for Potions, Snape hates me. I thought being in Slytherin was supposed to make Snape like me."

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