thirty-two » only each other

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The Avery household felt darker, lonelier, sadder now that Mr. Avery was in Azkaban.

Usually excited to be back home, Melanie had walked into the house with a bounce to her steps. But when the loneliness of her once happy home embraced her in a crushing hug, she felt the desire to go back to Hogwarts at once.

Mrs. Avery seemed sadder than Melanie had ever seen her. Marcy was extremely unhappy too, but in an effort to preserve any last pieces of positivity, she had told Marcy to make chocolate biscuits, after all, chocolate makes you happy.

Lounging about and staying completely silent were some things Melanie never saw her mother do. Usually full of energy, Mrs. Avery seemed drained.

It seemed Marcy was the happiest out of all of them. She was talking non-stop, trying to fill the void Mr. Avery had left with the little bit of happiness left in her body.

Even Macy the house elf seemed down. Unlike most house elves, Macy wasn't grumpy or angry, she was always kind and polite. She loved serving the Avery family. Even though she was fairly new (she had only been serving them for three years), it was like she had been serving them for ever.

"Melanie! What's up with you? Why aren't you talking, didn't anything happen this year?" Marcy asked, taking a seat next to Melanie with two biscuits in her hands.

"Your life is so uneventful," Marcy added. "When I was at Hogwarts, we'd always have so much fun. My dorm mates were amazing! Susanne is getting married, did you know?"

"Is she really?" Melanie said dryly, not really caring.

Marcy went into an in-depth description of what every single room mate was doing, not leaving out any details. When she had finished, she looked at Melanie, expecting her to say something in reply.

"You're not helping, Melanie! I'm here trying to keep everybody positive, and you aren't helping at all! I don't care if you're sad, we all are!"

After Marcy's little burst, Melanie decided to tell her something she knew would make her happy. Well, happier.

"Wanna know something happy?" Melanie asked her sister, hoping to lift up her spirits.

Marcy nodded, not speaking in fear of bursting out in sobs.

"Me and Draco... Well, we, uh, we kissed," Melanie said in a low whisper. "A few times."

"What?!" Marcy exclaimed, her eyes wide in surprise. "You... what?!"

Melanie turned red, hiding her face with her hands. She started to regret telling her sister, with the reaction Marcy had.

"How was it?" Marcy asked, pulling Melanie from her seat on the couch and taking her upstairs into her bedroom.

Marcy sat cross-legged onto Melanie's bed, demanding all the details of said kiss.

"I don't know, it was good, it was great... It was amazing. He smells so good." Melanie told her sister everything she had told Amelia a few days ago.

"And what do you mean, a few times? Are you guys a thing now?" Marcy asked, remembering what Melanie had added after telling her the news.

"I don't think we're a thing, but we have kissed a few times," the younger sister said.

"Merlin, look at you! Little Ella, all grown up, kissing boys!" Marcy said, resting her head on Melanie's shoulder.

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