nineteen » not so different

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The night was restless, at least for Melanie. After seeing dreams she couldn't understand, feeling like she was stuck in her blanket, after being unable to breathe, reliving her moments of literal torture; Melanie decided to take a step out to the Common Room. It always calmed her down. Cosmo the cat was sleeping, so it was just Melanie.

The soft sound of the Great Lake had always been relaxing to her, especially at times like this. It was nearly completely silent, everybody was sleeping.

It could have been the perfect time to study, but a whole week of non-stop studying made studying the last thing Melanie wanted to do.

So, Melanie walked over to one of the chairs near a window overlooking the inside of the lake and sat down. She sat there in silence and did nothing.

Nothing at all. She didn't even think of anything. She didn't think of her O.W.L.s, she didn't think about her friends, she didn't think about the Dark Lord, she didn't think about the peculiar dream that kept her up that night, she didn't think of whether or not Amelia would accept her apology... She kept her mind blank and watched the Great Lake.

Taking deep and steady breaths, Melanie felt her eyes slowly closing.

"Avery? What're you doing up at this time?"

Melanie straightened up at once. Her eyes shot open and she quickly turned to look towards the sound.

"Malfoy? Keep your voice down, you're going to wake everyone up!" Melanie hissed.

Draco rolled his eyes but still lowered his voice.

"What're you doing, up at this time?" He whispered, sitting down in the chair next to Melanie.

"Couldn't sleep." Melanie turned her head back to the window, not wanting to talk about this topic.

After a long silence, Draco spoke up with an small and awkward voice.

"So... How are you?" He asked Melanie, turning to her.

Melanie was slightly surprised. Why was he talking to her? Shouldn't he hate her?

"Why are you asking me that? Shouldn't you be hating me and saying that I'm a blood traitor? Or saying that I can't change a beetle into a button?" Melanie asked, voicing her thoughts. She turned to him, moving her head away from the window.

"I didn't actually say that," he defended himself.

"Yeah, like I believe that." Melanie turned back around. Couldn't he just leave her alone?

Another silence passed through them. The only sound was the sound of the lake and the sound of their breathing.

"Well, I thought, now that my aunt seems to love you, I should at least be more decent with you," said Draco with a strained voice. "....And I'd prefer not to be turned into a ferret, again."

"No promises, Malfoy," said Melanie with a hint of amusement.

Bellatrix had spoken about her? Draco thought Bellatrix loved her? That would be amazing, if it were true.

Melanie admired Bellatrix. She had an amazing knowledge of the Dark Arts. And she had learnt all of it from the Dark Lord himself. Bellatrix Lestrange definitely was a powerful witch. Melanie wanted to be more like her.

"By the way, the group has been really quiet and boring without you. Amelia is nearly always zoned out, she hasn't spoken in about a week. Blaise has been trying to make jokes and stuff but honestly they weren't really fun without you being there to burn him. Or anyone, really. It's been... Well, it hasn't been the same..."

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