six » angels and devils

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The next day came along, and Melanie was nervous. Somehow, she was dreading her lesson with Draco yet she was looking forward to it. Melanie didn't know what to feel.

What's happened to me? Four years of being at this school and not once did I get any extra help from anyone in any way. Fifth year starts, and now I'm taking two extra classes? What's going on...? Melanie thought while going to the Common Room to get her textbook and meet Draco at the Black Lake. When did I become so... vulnerable? And so weak...?

Sure, Melanie was usually quiet and didn't attract as much attention like some people, but that didn't mean she was fragile.

Melanie passed a group of fourth years doing homework on benches in the courtyard on her way to the Black Lake. She saw Luna Lovegood, who was handing out issues of the Quibbler to students who wanted it.

"I love your earrings," Melanie complimented as she passed Luna, who had earrings in the shape of wrapped candy.

Luna smiled and thanked her as Melanie disappeared towards the Black Lake.

They weren't exactly friends, Luna and Melanie. They were simply people who were friendly to one another, a trait not many people have, especially toward Luna. Melanie liked the Quibbler and Luna's fashion taste, which many thought was bizarre but Melanie thought it was creative and unique.

"I've been waiting for you," Draco said when Melanie reached their meeting place with her Transfiguration textbook in her hand. "I thought you weren't going to show up."

"Sorry," Melanie apologised. "I saw a friend on the way here."

"Oh... Well, anyway, let's get started." Draco had a dinner plate and a snail in a jar in front of him. "So, I thought we'd start with the dinner-plate-into-mushroom thing and then move on to Vanishing Spells when you've got the hang of it."

Melanie nodded as Draco placed the dinner plate in front of her

"Remember, Laminam Fungica. Say it in a clear voice and concentrate." Melanie admired Draco's sudden seriousness, it showed that he cared about their lesson.

Melanie pointed her wand at the dinner plate, "Laminam fungica," she said in a clear voice, clearing her mind and concentrating on the dinner plate. It didn't work. The dinner plate stayed the same as Melanie groaned.

"It's okay, just try again. Remember to concentrate."

Melanie tried again and again, getting more frustrated as the spell seemed to not work at all. "Why isn't it working?!" She said, frustrated. "Is it me, or is it the plate? Are you sure I'm doing this correctly?"

"Yes. Just focus and concentrate. Don't rush."

Melanie did just that, she emptied her mind like she would for Occlumency and only focused on turning the dinner plate into a mushroom.

"Laminam fungica," she said the spell clearly and pointed her wand at the dinner plate, hoping for the best. And right when she said the words, the dinner plate turned into a mushroom right before her eyes.

Melanie let out a breath and so did Draco. "Well done, but you need to get the hang of it. Again, focus." Draco turned the mushroom back into a dinner plate.

Melanie cleared her mind once more and focused on the spell. "Laminam fungica," the plate turned into a mushroom once again. Draco turned it back and she started again.

After a lot of tries and a lot of success, Draco and Melanie decided this much was enough. Draco used a Vanishing Spell on the dinner plate and snail and the two got up to go back to the castle.

"I think it's nearly dinner time," Draco said, looking around to see only a few students outside. The sun was nearly setting and the pair knew they had to get back before it got dark.

"Let's not be late, then. I don't want to miss dinner," Melanie stated as they hurried to the Great Hall.

When they arrived, the Great Hall was filled with students and teachers eating their dinner. Draco and Melanie sat next to Amelia and Daphne, with Crabbe, Goyle and Blaise across from them.

"How was your lesson?" Amelia asked Melanie as Draco seemed to be having a conversation with Blaise using their eyes.

"It was great! I finally was able to turn the dinner plate into a mushroom!" Melanie was over the moon as she told her friends. Amelia and Daphne looked very happy for her.

"Well done, Mel!" Amelia then turned to Draco. "Good job, Malfoy."

Draco nodded at Amelia, still having his silent conversation with Blaise.

Melanie ate her dinner while talking to Daphne and Amelia about Halloween and Hogsmeade, but Melanie could feel Ron Weasley's gaze on her the whole evening.

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"Ron, no." Harry Potter said sternly to his best friend that very night in the Gryffindor Boys' Dormitory. "She can't join the D.A, her parents are Death Eaters."

"No, they're not. She said it herself, and you were there too, Harry," Ron explained, trying to get Harry to allow Melanie into Dumbledore's Army, the secret organisation founded by Harry, Ron and Hermione that taught a group of students to defend themselves, something Umbridge didn't do.

"Her last name is Avery, Ron," Harry argued. "Her grandfather was one of the first Death Eaters, he was friends with Voldemort himself. And her father was friends with Snape, so her parents are Death Eaters too. And Melanie is friends with Malfoy, we can't risk her telling him or anyone else."

Ron wasn't letting the subject go easily. "Even if her parents are Death Eaters, doesn't mean she's one too. Maybe Dumbledore's Army is what she needs."

"You don't get it, Ron." Harry was getting frustrated. "She's in Slytherin. We can't trust anyone who's in Slytherin."

These words hit Ron hard, he remembered what Melanie had told him when students were staring at her and himself. "You can't just judge someone based on the colour of their tie, Harry. Not every Slytherin is the devil, and not every Gryffindor is an angel." With that, Ron lied down on his bed, covered himself with the blanket and tried to go to sleep, leaving Harry to wonder where he got those words from.

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yay double updates!! i'm doing double updates at least one time a week until Christmas so I can align Christmas time in the story with Christmas time in real life. sooo on the 25th, we'll have unbreakable posted up to chapter 16! such excite lol

don't forget to vote, comment and share!! ilysm

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