twenty-eight (I) » wallowing in her loneliness

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The air was cold, even though Summer had come. The O.W.L. examinations were well under way. With only a few more to go, Melanie was confident she would be finishing her fifth year with all O's and E's.

But, something peculiar happened in her History of Magic O.W.L. Melanie should have been used to weird things happening whenever Harry Potter was around; she had been going to school with him for five years.

When Harry Potter fell asleep mid-exam and woke up screaming, Melanie only rolled her eyes and continued with her exam. She wasn't going to let a daft, careless boy ruin her day.

Harry Potter was sent out of the room to calm down, and Melanie checked her answers before giving in her paper to the old wizard who was monitoring the exam. This time, finishing early was a good thing. She had more time to read.

Melanie walked down to the Slytherin Common Room. Her friends would probably find her after the exam was over. She couldn't wait to read her beloved book Bellatrix had sent her for her birthday.

Even though she had practically memorised Secrets of the Darkest Art, Melanie always learnt something new each time she read it.

Right now, Melanie's favourite part, the part that peaked her curiosity the most, was the part about the creation of a spell.

Melanie wanted so badly to create her own spell, whether it be nice or not so nice, all she wanted to do was create her own spell. Well, she wanted to get good grades too, but that was out of the picture for now.

Creating her own spell... A spell that was unique, a spell only she knew... To be learnt by future generations, of course. But for now, it would be Melanie's spell. It would be her signature spell...

Though, what this spell would be was a mystery. The book mostly mentioned the creation of dark spells, so if Melanie would be to create a spell, it probably would be dark. The Dark Lord would definitely appreciate that, and so would Bellatrix...

A plan started to form in Melanie's head. This summer, after the exams, when she was at home, she would do some more research, and she'd probably see a lot more of Bellatrix and hopefully the Dark Lord too. So, after doing research, Melanie would ask Bellatrix about the creation of spells, and hopefully in the summer before her sixth year started, Melanie would have created her own signature spell. Just thinking about it made her ecstatic.

When hours passed and her friends were nowhere to be seen, Melanie decided to take a walk around the castle. She'd probably find them that way. Plus, some third year was eyeing her seat greedily.

Melanie stood up from her seat near the window and exited the Common Room, leaving the peaceful warmth of the Slytherin Common Room behind her.

First, she walked up to the Great Hall to look for her friends. The Great Hall only had a few students in it, there still was about an hour and a half for dinner to start.

These days, she hardly ever felt hungry. It seemed all the knowledge from her books were keeping her full.

Melanie walked up the ever changing stairs, ready to go wherever they took her. But she was praying to whoever was up there that Peeves wasn't going to bother her today.

Apparently Peeves the Poltergeist would always bother Melanie's older sister, Marcy when she was at Hogwarts. That's how Marcy always had stories to tell, but Melanie thought she made half of it up.

If Marcy wasn't making the stories up, why wasn't Melanie's Hogwarts experience as fun as her sister's? Well, Melanie still did have two years to go, so maybe her sixth and seventh years would be better.

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