sixteen » venom laced threat

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The next afternoon, Melanie found herself in the Divination classroom, sitting across from Amelia. Her lessons with Snape had ended, apparently she had 'mastered' Occlumency and Legilimency, at least that was what Snape told her. She wasn't quite sure she had mastered them, so she decided to keep practicing. She would become perfect at Legilimency and Occlumency. Using them would become second nature to her.

So, here Melanie sat, watching Professor Trelawney talk about the 'nobel art' of Divination. Apparently Professor Trelawney said the same things at the start of each lesson.

Melanie loved learning, she loved school but this class was boring her to bits. Divination was definitely not her thing.

And, of course, a specific ginger haired boy staring at her wasn't making it any easier to get through the class she absolutely loathed.

Ron Weasley, instead of doing what he should have been doing (which was interpreting dreams), was staring at Melanie. It wasn't until Harry Potter kicked his foot that he finally stopped and let Melanie try to focus on the lesson.

Even though she really didn't want to interpret her own dreams, she had being terrorised by nightmares of being tortured again with crazed laughter in the background.

"This is all rubbish," Melanie mumbled, making sure Trelawney wouldn't hear. It wasn't a hard task, Trelawney already had her head in the clouds.

"It's a complete joke," Amelia replied, nodding. "But it's more fun with you, sitting next to Blaise is a bore. He falls asleep at least twice each lesson!"

"You're lucky I'm trying not to fall asleep, or else I'd be long gone by now," said Melanie. But she had different reasons for not falling asleep. Night terrors were not fun. And they never would be.

"By the way, Weasley keeps staring at you." Amelia nodded in his direction.

"Yeah, it's annoying. I thought he hated me!" Melanie whispered back.

"I don't know. But whatever it is, I think you should keep your distance from him, or any Weasleys for that matter," said Amelia.

"Why?" This was a stupid question to ask. Melanie knew the answer, Amelia knew the answer, Blaise knew the answer, Daphne knew the answer. Heck, even Trelawney probably knew the answer.

"You know why!" Amelia replied, shaking her head with a short laugh. "Because I know your dad or mum or sister won't approve of you being friends with Weasley, neither will anyone else. They're blood traitors, all of the Weasleys. It's literally what they're famous for! Being friends with a Weasley will only do you harm."

Melanie nodded. "But I can't help it! I like being friends with Ron, he makes me laugh. It's fun, being friends with someone I haven't seen nearly every day for the past four years."

"But he's a blood traitor," Amelia reminded her. "And he's a Gryffindor. You know Slytherin and Gryffindor don't get along. We're not supposed to. It's just the rule, ever since Hogwarts was founded."

"And that's exactly what I don't understand," said Melanie, remembering the stares she and Ron had got when they were walking around together. "Why does the colour of my tie determine who I can and cannot be friends with?"

Melanie had said this before, that same day with Ron.

Amelia nearly wanted to say, 'But that's how it is, and how it's been.' Instead she said something different, something that should've caught Melanie's attention more.

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